Yoda Panel - Bridging Generations with Yoda and Grogu | AIChE

Yoda Panel - Bridging Generations with Yoda and Grogu


Kadri, S., CCPS
Carter, T., Northeastern University
Porter, R., PEMEX Deer Park
Manning, S., LyondellBasell


Prem, K., LyondellBasell

Welcome to the panel discussion at the CCPS Global Congress on Process Safety, where the theme "Bridging Generations with Yoda and Grogu" brings a unique perspective to the forefront. In this session, three seasoned professionals, akin to the wise and experienced Yoda, will share their wealth of knowledge and insights accumulated over years of dedicated practice. Alongside them, three young professionals, embodying the spirit of Grogu, will join the dialogue, bringing fresh perspectives and addressing the concerns of the next generation in their career.  Together, they will delve into the challenges and opportunities faced by emerging professionals in the dynamic landscape of process safety, fostering a collaborative and enriching discussion that bridges the wisdom of the past with the innovation of the future.  Get ready for an enlightening exchange of ideas that transcends generations and advances the collective understanding of process safety.


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