SAChE® - The Role of Inert Gases in Process Safety | AIChE

SAChE® - The Role of Inert Gases in Process Safety


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Inerting of equipment can be an effective way of preventing fires and explosions. However, inert gases have a number of associated physical, chemical, and health hazards. Workers are killed nearly every year by the inert gases that were intended to ensure the safety of our processes. 

This course describes these hazards.  It also provides an introductory perspective of how inert gases can be effectively used for fire and explosion prevention. It addresses factors affecting the selection of which inert gas to use, sources of inert gas, and basic considerations for the design of inerting systems.

Learn more about the SAChE Certificate Program.

Unit 1:

- Identify, evaluate, and control the hazards associated with the use of inert gases

- List key factors in the selection of inerts

- Determine the purging or blanketing technique most appropriate for a given application

- Apply the principles of oxygen concentration control in the specification of systems for inerting process equipment

- List the considerations related to inerting that must be addressed in a process hazards analysis (PHA)

This advanced course is for upper-level (junior or senior) chemical engineering undergraduates who have had some exposure to process safety. 

This course is designed to be of value to those who are, or likely will be, involved in using inert gases in either the academic or industrial setting. The content will be useful to those designing and operating, or merely working near, processing and maintenance activities involving the use of inert gases, which may seem to be completely innocuous but are not. 

The course is intended to be taken in combination with other related SACHE courses addressing fire, explosion, and chemical reactivity hazards. This course supplements those courses by explaining where and why inert gases may be present, and by emphasizing the hazards of inert gases and precautions for using them safely.


Unit 1: The Role of Inert Gases in Process Safety

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  • Course ID:
  • Source:
    SAChE – Safety and Chemical Engineering Education
  • Language:
  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
    1 hour
  • CEUs:
  • PDHs:
  • Accrediting Agencies:
    New Jersey
    New York