Fundamentals of Process Intensification | AIChE

Fundamentals of Process Intensification


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In today’s world, external pressures and advances in adjacent technology areas are creating the need to reassess classical unit operations and look for more efficient solutions for the process industries. The topic of Process Intensification (PI) has attracted considerable attention as a potential means for process improvement. In this interactive online course, the RAPID Manufacturing Institute delves into the Fundamentals of Process Intensification and provides insight into PI and its deployment. This is not only a comprehensive introductory course but also the first of its kind in the U.S. to describe PI concepts in practical ways that will enable engineers and future engineers to explore PI as a promising technology solution, which can help American industry become leaner, greener, cleaner and safer.

In this course, you’ll get an introduction to PI, ways in which PI can help to overcome challenges facing conventional processes, and ultimately its potential role in transforming the process industries. You will also explore ways in which PI can be applied to fundamental engineering concepts as well as current examples of PI that have been deployed. Lastly, you will learn about Modular Chemical Process Intensification (MCPI) technologies and equipment that can potentially transform facilities and operations by reducing costs and other inefficiencies. 

Photo Credit: Fluor

  • Define Process Intensification and compare PI with other process improvement approaches
  • Explain how PI can be utilized in order to overcome the challenges faced by conventional processes
  • Describe the impact of process intensification on heat transfer, mass transfer and fluid mechanics
  • Explain how equilibrium limits chemical processing and potential ways to address this
  • Describe and give examples of applications of intensified separation processes, intensified reaction processes, and combined intensified separation and reaction processes
  • Describe the global trends driving modular manufacturing as well as the key challenges in deploying modular technologies

  • Undergraduate and Graduate Chemical Engineering Students
  • Any engineer or scientist involved in the following process industries:
    • Refining
    • Chemicals
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Pulp & Paper

Module One: Process Intensification and Its Deployment

Module Two: Fundamental Engineering Concepts and Their Application to Process Intensification

Module Three: Process Intensification Examples and Applications

Module Four: Module Manufacturing and Modular Plant Technologies

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  • AIChE Graduate Student Members - Free
  • AIChE Undergraduate Student Members - Free
  • Employees of RAPID Members - $495.00
  • Employees of RAPID Affiliates - $595.00
  • AMPs Members - $645.00
  • AIChE Explorer Members - $895.00
  • Non-Members - $895.00
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  • Course ID:
  • Source:
    RAPID - RAPID Manufacturing Institute for Process Intensification
  • Language:
  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
    4 hours
  • CEUs:
  • PDHs:
  • Accrediting Agencies:
    New Jersey
    New York