PSM Compliance Audits - Leveraging your "A" Team | AIChE
Sponsor: Provenance Consulting | This webinar is sponsored by Provenance Consulting and reflects their views, opinions, and insights. Attendance is free.

PSM Compliance Audits - Leveraging your "A" Team

Are you interested in leveraging audit data into a valuable investment?

Join this 60-minute Provenance-sponsored webinar to learn how to master your next compliance audit through a nuanced combination of preparation, team members, and analytical thinking. PSM compliance audits may be mandatory, but they can become a valuable investment when you know how to leverage the data, questions and insights uncovered by the audit team. Discover how you and your team can learn more from and do more with the results than you might expect.

Take a look at your agenda:

  • Learn how to promote process safety learning and growth during a compliance audit
  • Refresh your reference of OSHA’s regulations, intent, and case law precedent
  • Understand the benefits of using consistent, clear and concise wording in findings reports
  • Identify trends in discrepancies and use them to guide your audit beyond the checklists
  • Tips to create a positive "Here to Help" audit atmosphere and dispel the "Gotcha!" audit mentality


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  • AIChE Pro Members - Free
  • AIChE Graduate Student Members - Free
  • AIChE Undergraduate Student Members - Free
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    1 hour
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