Can a balding, late-middle-aged researcher who's hawking a still-uncommercialized technology transform America's aging fleet of aerobic waste treatment plants?
Mission: The mission of the Regenerative Engineering Society (The RE Society) is to promote and advance regenerative engineering, a field defined as the Convergence of Advanced Materials Science, Stem Cell Science, Physics, Developmental Biology and Clinical Translation for the regeneration of complex tissues and organ systems. The mission includes informing the public of the technical benefits of Regenerative Engineering, and promoting the realization of the benefits of this field through biomedical applications. Objectives are: To raise interest, understanding, and recognition of engineers...
Ayesha is a development associate for the AIChE Foundation. She develops programs that inspire individual gifts and corporate giving, including Gala sponsors.Read more
Mohammed is an active member of YPC, AIChE's Young Professional Committee. He is the chair of its publications subcommittee. He is also a member of the Saudi Arabia Local Section....Read more