February 2020 | AIChE

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February 2020

Renato Baciocchi

Associate Professor of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. He received his degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 1990 and earned his Doctorate in Chemical Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Milan in 1995. After a work experience as process engineer at KTI of Rome, he began his university career as researcher in 1998. Within the scope of his research activities, he has published about 130 papers, among which 45 in international refereed journals and he has acted as coordinator for his department of...Read more

Bogdan Dlugogorski

Professor Bogdan Dlugogorski is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President, Research and Innovation at Charles Darwin University.

He is a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered Chemist with a distinguished record as a researcher, inventor and academic leader.

Professor Dlugogorski joined CDU in May 2019, having previously held the positions of Dean of School of Engineering and Information Technology at Murdoch University in Perth and Director of Priority Research Centre for Energy at the University of Newcastle, Australia.

He holds a DSc in Fire Safety Science and...Read more

Ron Zevenhoven

Ron Zevenhoven has been professor in Engineering Thermodynamics and Modelling at Åbo Akademi University, Thermal and Flow Engineering Laboratory, in Turku Finland, since 2005. He holds an MSc (ChemEng) and PhD degrees from Delft University of Technology. Current fields of research are mainly CO2 capture and storage using mineral sequestration, material recycling and energy recovery, passive cooling based on thermal radiation, process scale-up and particle technology/multi-phase flow dynamics including nano-particulate material. His personal webpage: ...Read more

Alessandra Polettini

Alessandra Polettini is Associate Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Here she is lecturer of “Sanitary and Environmental Engineering” and “Solid Waste Treatment” in the Undergraduate and Master courses in Environmental Engineering. Her research interests include: the treatment and recycling of residues from the thermal treatment of waste, the environmental behavior of waste materials, anaerobic digestion of organic wastes and treatment of contaminated dredged sediments. She has coauthored over 150 scientific papers...Read more

Thomas Van Gerven

Prof. Dr. Ir. Tom Van Gerven is professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering of KU Leuven (Belgium). His research focuses on process intensification, in particular by the use of external and localised energy sources (ultrasound, light), to improve transport phenomena (mass and energy transfer, mixing) and chemical activation with the aim of resource efficiency and recovery. Fields in which these energy sources have been applied include solvent extraction, crystallisation, leaching, metal purification and CO2 valorisation. Another area of process intensification is the integration of...Read more

Katta J. Reddy

Professor KJ Reddy studies natural resources issues that pose major challenges to maintain sustainable environment. His research goals are to 1) develop a viable solution to millions of people around the world suffering from arsenic contaminated drinking water, 2) develop effective point-source carbon dioxide (CO2) mineralization technology to become a part of the solution to the climate change problem, and 3) create beneficial uses for produced water generated from energy resource extraction and energy production processes.Read more
