June 2024 | AIChE

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June 2024

Mock Interviews

Sharpen your interview skills during mock interview sessions with real corporate recruiters!

Student Chapter Workshops

The Workshop Schedule for the 2024 Annual Student Conference will be announced soon.

Registration Information

Registration Information for the Battery and Energy Storage Conference Register Here! Funding Opportunities Available: Thanks to the generous support of the AIChE® Foundation, we are pleased to announce that student and post-doc attendees have the opportunity to apply for financial support to...

Marilene Pavan

Marilene Pavan is a professional with 15+ years of experience in biotechnology, biomanufacturing, and metabolic engineering. She is currently working as a Synthetic Biology Strategy Manager at LanzaTech Inc., in Chicago, a carbon recycling technology company specialized in converting waste carbon oxides into biofuels and chemicals. Her research focuses on developing approaches for scalability and governance of synthetic biology to develop novel biological products towards a circular economy. She holds a master’s degree in Molecular Biology and is specialized in Strategic Management of...Read more

Chris Brown

Chris Brown is an expe­ri­enced sci­en­tist and expert in metagenomics.

He con­duct­ed post­doc­tor­al research at UC Berke­ley in the lab of Pro­fes­sor Jamie Cate, Ph.D. with sup­port from the Agouron Insti­tute as a Life Sci­ences Research Foun­da­tion fel­low, where he dis­cov­ered and char­ac­ter­ized nov­el cat­alyt­ic RNAs from uncul­ti­vat­ed microbes.

Chris earned a Ph.D. in Plant and Micro­bial Biol­o­gy at UC Berke­ley while work­ing with Pro­fes­sor Jil­lian F. Ban­field, Ph.D. He holds a bach­e­lor’s degree in Micro­bi­ol­o­gy...Read more

Management Division Engagement Survey 2024

As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure the relevance of the AIChE Management Division to the AIChE community and the Management Division membership, we are reaching out to request your valuable input. We are conducting a survey to gather insights into how we can better serve you and improve...

2024 Accepted Authors' Guide

Find all guidelines and templates for the 10th LACPS Oral Presentation Sessions here!
