Equipment Filling and Mixing - Possible Work Flow | AIChE

Equipment Filling and Mixing - Possible Work Flow

Last updated March 14, 2019 | Element: Possible Work Flow



Is responsible for the Operation of the Plant. This is typically a Site Manager whose responsibilities include:

  • Overall responsibility for the proper identification of chemical mixing related risks and controls.
  • Ensure the identified controls are maintained and communicated to work force.
  • Ensuring a program is put in place to identify mixing related risks when a new chemical is introduced.
  • Perform audit of facility by a competent authority.

Area Authority

Is responsible for managing a Unit or section of the Plant. This is typically the Shift Supervisor whose responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring the hazard identification activities which may lead to potential mixing, are executed in a timely manner.
  • Checking of controls in field before issuing any work permit related to jobs that may result in inadvertent mixing of chemicals.
  • Enabling stoppage of work if discrepancy / deviations found in the job conditions.

Area Operator

The Area Operator whose typical responsibilities include:

  • During regular field rounds, identify areas where controls for avoiding chemical mixing are compromised. 
  • Responsible for checking and ensuring controls are put in place before starting of a job.
  • Stop work immediately if any hazardous situation might occur.