Tom Abraham of Innovative Research and Products (IRAP) has produced the Nanotechnology Workshops and Conference at the Chem Show every other year since 2005. This year will be the first time this conference will be produced in conjunction with AIChE. Conference Organizer Lauren Deitch had a chance to sit down and chat with Dr. Abraham at AIChE's offices in New York. You can watch the interview in the video panel to the right.
Dr. Abraham talks about the focus of the 2011 nanotechnology workshops and conference, which includes energy generation and storage and biological applications like nano-medicine and nano-enabled devices. He also discusses some of the research that will be presented at the conference and workshops and the differences between these parts of the program.
Learn more about other areas of the conference.
Learn more about the Chem Show.
Register for AIChE's 2011 Northeast Regional Conference at the Chem Show.