First hour: Building a career in chemical engineering
As a young chemical engineer, you have already achieved success in completing what is often a university's most challenging undergraduate program. But what next? And how can you how can you translate your success at school into career success? To help you make the transition from academic success to a thriving career, and make the most of important early work years, Todd Willman will be speaking to the YPs at 8:00 pm EDT as part of the Local Virtual Section's monthly offering. Learn how to set the proper goals and motivate yourself beyond your current job to advance more quickly in your profession. Todd will provide a "workout plan" for the critical first 5-10 years of your career. He'll also discuss various options, such as PE license vs. a master's or PhD degree. Join the online meeting here.
Second hour: energy savings in process plants
In addition to his advice to young chemical engineers, Todd will address all at 9:00 pm on the topic of uncovering energy savings in process plants. Join the online meeting here. Learn more about AIChE's Local Virtual Section here.
I missed the meeting! Is it by chance recorded such that I can watch it after the fact?
Sorry you missed the meeting, but you will find an archived version here (though it may not appear for a few days, so check back if you don't see it):