
March 2025 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, the future of process automation solutions, strategies for preventing ethylene plant fouling, looking beyond safety data sheets for better safety, and much more.

February 2025 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, build an OT cybersecurity program, improve practices for handling unstable materials, reduce fouling with better heat exchanger designs, and more.

November 2024 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, a new take on accelerating pharma's supply chain for raw materials, reducing sheer in bioreactors, resolving heath exchanger fouling, and much more.

August 2023 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, learn how to safely install hoods and ventilated enclosures, compare uses of gate and butterfly valves, get the low-down on ABET certification, and much more.

January 2023 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, a look at minimizing oil and gas flaring, tips for re-suspending settled solids in an agitated tank, risk-based methodologies for better asset integrity management, and more.

May 2022 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, a look at mega columns and their role in meeting carbon-neutral goals, considerations for keeping your facility safe from hackers, industry and Institute news, and more.

February 2022 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

In this issue, learn how to prevent polymer buildup at an ethylene plant, take a look at avoiding incidents with toxic inhalation hazard chemicals, harness AI in the plant, and much more.

December 2021 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, get tips for finding the capacity of a distillation column, a well as a primer on the Allam power cycle, plus hydrogen safety fundamentals, and much more.

July 2021 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, a special section devoted to plastics recycling, plus tips for strong packed tower performance, reboiler optimization, and much more.

May 2021 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue: boosting parting box performance, common failures mechanism of fired heaters, plus AI, XR, and microlearning trends in training, and much more.

February 2021 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This month, hazardous materials use and storage and how they relate to building codes, tips for safe pump operation, a look at process control issues during engineering design, and more.

December 2020 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

This month, tips for quick assessment of distillation columns, a look at teaching process control topics, advice on patenting your work, and more.

November 2020 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

This issue: opportunities to control plastic waste, a look at design and operation considerations for distillation experiments, and much more.

April 2020 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

This month, a look at dual-dividing-wall columns, steps to improve disaster preparedness, controlling nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater, and much more.

January 2020 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

Keep your flare system safe, get tips to troubleshoot a thermosiphon reboiler, build skills to transition to a leadership role, and much more.

December 2019 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

Think low pressure means low risk? Think again! Looking for ways to reduce distillation column energy requirements? We've got smart tips. These topics and much more in the December 2019 issue.

November 2019 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

This month in CEP, tips for getting your research published, advice for strong video presentations, a look at reducing plant energy costs, and much more.

July 2019 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

A look at commissioning smart technology equipment, an intro to vapor intrusion, cutting costs and emissions with combustion control, and more.

January 2019 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

Determine the best catalyst replacement interval for fixed-bed reactors, boost fan performance and efficiency, meet the Caltech 6, and much more.

October 2018 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

This issue, learn how to give a great presentation, look at top chemE's predictions for the future of the profession, delve into deep learning, and much more.

June 2017 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This month, results of the biennial salary survey of chemical engineers, ways to improve spreadsheet productivity, cybersecurity tips, and more.

February 2017 CEP Preview

. by

This month, CEP looks at compressors for ethylene plants, data science for chemical engineers, risk-based calibration, and much more.

Middle East Process Engineering Conference 2013

. by Idell Bryan

“Overcoming Future Challenges through Engineering Excellence” will be the theme of the 2nd Middle East Process Engineering Conference (MEPEC 2013), Sept. 29–Oct. 2, 2013 at the Bahrain International Exhibition and Convention Centre.

Mastering 3D Plots in Excel

. by ChEnected Guest

Whether you're looking for a tutorial to help you on a project at work, or are a student looking to use the summer months to improve valuable Excel skills, check out this video on 3D plots.

Looking Back: Oil Exploration Before Big Data

. by Kent Harrington

Watch as George Laguros, Geophysicist for the Marathon Oil Corporation in Houston, Texas, talks about analyzing seismic data in the present and reminisces about the days of analysis with a pencil, slide rule, and graph paper.

BP Building New Houston Supercomputing Center

. by Kent Harrington

British Petroleum is spending $100 million to replace its current data center with what it says will be the largest supercomputer for commercial research in the world. The company hopes the added computing power will bring with it a significant competitive advantage in the race for the globe's newly discovered sources of gas and oil.

Interview: Anjana Meel of Safer Systems on Handling Spills [On Location]

. by Martin Bergstedt

During the poster session at the Spring Meeting and 8th Global Congress on Process Safety, we spoke with Anjana Meel, research and development engineer at Safer Systems, to discuss her research on spills. The research compares shrinking vs. non-shrinking spills to help process safety engineers deal with spills quickly and efficiently.

Highlight a Benefit: AIChE eLibrary

. by Brian Daly

Quick! Tell me how Stratco has improved its sulfuric acid alkylation process in the last twenty years. Or design and specify a heat exchanger so it can put out to vendors for bid. Wait, you mean you don't know how to do that? Fortunately AIChE has you covered. AIChE has partnered with not only Knovel but also McGraw-Hill to provide its members access to their very extensive online library of technical books. It's AIChE’s eLibrary.

Free Renewable Energy App and U.S. Renewable Energy Atlas

. by Kent Harrington

The DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) just released a tsunami of useful data – but one tool can help wade through some of it. NREL's new interactive geospatial app allows anyone to easily and accurately map potential renewable energy resources throughout the United States directly from a Web browser.

Forward Osmosis Pilot Plant for Seawater Desalination

. by Martin Bergstedt

Forward osmosis offsets some of the high costs of reverse osmosis, but large-scale systems necessarily introduce one or more additional unit ops to recover the extracted water from the draw solution utilized. Young Kim of the Korea Institue of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) discussed her work on a forward osmosis pilot plant.

Produced Water Treatment with Ceramic Membranes

. by Martin Bergstedt

The volume and complexity of produced water (PW) generated in the oil and gas extraction industry provides a significant separations and treatment challenge. Because of its source, PW is contaminated with hydrocarbons and inorganic leachates from the rock strata where the well is drilled. Bruce Bishop of Veolia Water presented the results of ceramic membrane systems trials in different process environments.

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