Back to Basics
Protect Tanks from Overpressure and Vacuum
Low pressure does not mean low risk. If low-pressure tanks are compromised, they can release large volumes of material to the environment. Develop a safeguarding strategy for each tank at your site.
Heat Transfer
Tracing the Causes of Heat Maintenance Issues
Steam tracing systems are used throughout oil and gas and chemical facilities. Common problems, such as steam locking caused by incorrect installation, can hinder the performance of these systems.
Reactions and Separations
Retrofitting Distillation Columns with Membranes
Purification via distillation can be an extremely energy-intensive process. Energy requirements can be reduced by redirecting a lower-purity distillate or bottoms stream into a low-energy system, such as a membrane, for final purification.
Business Management
Get to Know Local Government
You might find yourself either employed by a local government or working on a project that requires you to interface with officials and the community. Know the types of local governments, funding mechanisms, and methods to best interact with the public before diving into unfamiliar waters.
News Update
- Going Against the Grain: Vertical Farming in the City
- Metal Foam Streamlines Airplane Wings
- Creating Artificial Blood Vessels to Combat Heart Disease
- Sticky Chameleon Tongue Inspires Robotics
- Catalyzing the Battle Against Antibiotic Resistance
- Municipal Waste Provides Feedstocks for Biofuels
- Editorial: Paper or Silicon?
- Catalyzing Commercialization: High-Purity Glucaric Acid Produced by Microbes
- New products: Bioprocessing; Materials and Chemicals; Instrumentation; Fluids and Solids Handling; Software
- Process Safety Beacon: Identified Flying Objects
- Career Connections: Coping with a Layoff
- Profile: Michelle Ampuero - A Proactive Engineer, Not a Reactive Engineer
- Advanced Manufacturing Progress: Securing the Critical Materials Supply Chain
- Patent Update: Broaden Your Portfolio with Design Patents
- Technical Entity Trends: Metabolic Engineering: From Conception to Consumers
- Books
- AIChE Awards in Review: 2019
- Institute News
- Recently Elected Fellows
- AIChE Election Results
- Center for Hydrogen Safety to Collaborate with the Hydrogen Council
- Grant from Celanese Boosts AIChE's Doing a World of Good Efforts
- Your AIChE Membership: K-12 Committee Launches with Annual Meeting STEM Showcase
The December 2019 issue of CEP is now available online. AIChE members receive access to CEP, including a searchable archive of issues dating back to 2001, online at https://www.aiche.org/cep.