Back to Basics
Manage Change to Flare Systems
Modifications to conserve energy, boost plant capacity, or improve efficiency may have unforeseen impacts on flare systems. Ensure management of change (MOC) reviews do not overlook these critical safety systems.
Reactions and Separations
Troubleshooting a Thermosiphon Reboiler
You would expect that replacing an old piece of equipment with a new, seemingly identical one would result in better performance and higher efficiency. But that is not always the case. When it comes to reboiler tubes, old is sometimes better than new.
Stay Alert: Incorporate Fatigue into Risk Management
Many factors — both work-related and personal — can cause workers to become fatigued, which can contribute to safety incidents. A strategic approach to fatigue-hazard identification and risk mitigation can prevent or reduce adverse outcomes.
Career Catalyst
Transitioning to a Leadership Role
The skills that make engineers and scientists successful in a technical role are not the same as those required by leadership positions. To be effective leaders, technical experts must expand their skillset to manage time efficiently, communicate clearly, and overcome conflict.
- Transforming a Carbon-Based Economy
- DNA Star Sensor Detects Dengue Virus
- Combating Micronutrient Deficiency on a Microscopic Scale
- Researchers Establish World Record for Converting Heat to Electricity
- Converting Beer Waste into Activated Carbon
- Platform Rapidly Identifies Harmful Gases
- The Toilet: An Unlikely Solution for Reducing Water Waste
- Editorial: Empowering Women and Girls in Engineering
- Catalyzing Commercialization: Graphene Oxide-Based Membranes Reduce Carbon Emissions
- AIChE Journal Highlight: Computer-Aided Process Intensification: Challenges, Trends, and Opportunities
- Process Safety Beacon: Good Housekeeping Is Critical to Safety
- New Products: Fluids and Solids Handling; Bioprocessing; Software; Materials and Chemicals; Operations and Maintenance; Instrumentation; Heat Transfer
- YPOV: Achieve Professional Success Remotely
- Annual Meeting Recap
- Institute News
- President’s Corner: Supporting a Skills-Based Employment Market
- AIChE Gala Applauds Merck and Procter & Gamble, Jay Keasling Receives Doing a World of Good Medal
- AIChE Awards Langer Prize Fellowship to César de la Fuente
- Winners of AIChE’s K-12 STEM Outreach Competition Announced
- Your AIChE Membership: Join the Fun at AIChE Engage
The January 2020 issue of CEP is now available online. AIChE members receive access to CEP, including a searchable archive of issues dating back to 2001, online at https://www.aiche.org/cep.
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