Reactions & Separations
Quickly Assess Distillation Columns
Estimate relative volatilities and identify energy-efficient configurations for multicomponent separations.
Critical Issues
Industrial Process Control Systems: A New Approach to Education
Several important process control topics don’t receive much, if any, coverage in the traditional chemical engineering curriculum.
Back to Basics
Is Your Invention Patentable?
An invention may be patentable if it is new, useful, and nonobvious.
Career Catalyst
Improving Soft Skills Through Mentorship
University mentorship programs that tap into alumni expertise produce benefits for students, mentors, employers, and the school itself.
News Update
- Defining a Future that Runs on Drones
- Artificial Mini-lungs to Study COVID-19
- Researchers Use Vanillin to Create Unique Batteries
- A Future for Portable, Wearable, and Sustainable Electricity
- Editorial: Waste Not, Want Not
- Catalyzing Commercialization: Prototyping a Discovery Pipeline for Enzymes Using Cell-Free Systems
- AIChE Journal Highlight: New Research Directions Appear in the Third Futures Issue
- New Products: Software; Instrumentation; Fluids and Solids Handling; Materials and Chemicals; Operations and Maintenance; Laboratory Equipment; Bioprocessing
- Process Safety Beacon: Reactive Chemistry Incidents Can Happen Anywhere
- Career Connection: Build Resilience to Bounce Back from Adversity
- Process Safety Progress Highlight: Managing Process Safety During COVID‑19 and Beyond
- Advanced Manufacturing Progress: Electromagnetic Process Heating for Efficiency and Electrification
- Profile: How One Professor Is Teaching Separations Science
Institute News
- President’s Message: A Test of Resilience
- AIChE Election Results
- AIChE Will Collaborate with Industry on Stem Scholars Initiative
- New Fellows
- Neil Yeoman: AIChE Fellow, Former Director, and Volunteer,1936–2020
- The December 2020 issue of CEP is now available online. AIChE members receive access to CEP, including a searchable archive of issues dating back to 2001, online at aiche.org/cep.
AIChE Members now have four options for reading CEP: Print, New Digital Flipbook, CEP App, and the AIChE Website. What is your favorite way to read CEP? Find out here
Coming in January: special digital flipbook issue on climate
Folks, In the fig. 2 caption on p. 29, NRTL stands for Non-Random Two Liquid, of course. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. John