...calling for your papers, that is. The 37th Industrial Energy Technology Conference (IETC) is soliciting technical papers for its conference to be held June 2-5, 2015, in New Orleans, LA. Papers should cover topics directly related to energy efficiency improvements and environmental concerns in industrial operations. Particular emphasis should be placed on innovations, applications, success stories and failures, technology assessment methods and items of timely interest in the industry. Identification of new equipment and processes is of major importance. However, extensive commercialism in the presentation is not desirable and would be considered in poor taste.
Suggested Topics
Industrial Energy Efficiency Audits and measurements Analysis tools Benchmarking Boiler and steam systems Case studies Compressed air systems Data centers Developing key performance indicators (KPI) Emerging efficient industrial technologies Electric motors Integrating combined heat and power (CHP) into existing facilities Metering, monitoring, and verification Plant-wide optimization Power quality and high voltage power systems Use of engineering service providers Water/energy nexus Smart grid applications Strategies & Policies GHG, climate, and reporting issues Certifications for ISO 50001, Superior Energy Performance (SEP), Energy STAR Corporate energy plans Demand response strategies Federal and state government programs Future energy pricing and reliability Improving energy management performance Making the business case for implementation Mentoring and career enhancement for energy leaders of the future Real-time optimization Risk management Sustainability practices Utility incentives programs
Instructions for Authors
Prospective authors must first submit an abstract. All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings for distribution at the conference and online. Instructions for preparing final manuscripts will be sent with acceptance notifications. Authors have the option of submitting non-reviewed or peer-reviewed papers. Conference Paper/Non-Reviewed Papers 1. Must submit an abstract. 2. Abstracts should not be more than 400 words in length. 3. Include paper title and all co-authors. 4. Include primary author's full name, company, position, return address, email address, and phone number. 5. Include short biography of primary author. 6. Note on your submission that it is a Conference Paper. Research Transaction Paper/Peer-Reviewed 1. Must submit an abstract and a draft version for review. 2. Include paper title and all co-authors and obtain permissions as needed. 3. Include primary author's full name, company, position, return address, email address, and phone number. 4. Include short biography of primary author. 5. Note on your submission that it is a Research Transaction Paper. Send to: James A. Eggebrecht IETC Executive Director jim@esl.tamu.edu Phone: (979) 845-1508 Dates to remember October 4, 2014 - All abstracts due December 2, 2014 - Author notification April 1, 2015 - Final paper due May 4, 2015 - Power Point presentation due June 2-5, 2015 - IETC The presenter of each paper (limit of one author) will be granted a reduced registration fee for all the conference sessions, the author's breakfast, the luncheons, coffee breaks and the welcome reception.
About IETC
The Industrial Energy Technology Conference (IETC) was created in 1979 to meet the needs of the industrial energy community. It focuses on a wide variety of topics of importance to professionals who are involved in the production, use, or transportation of energy, or in designing and evaluating energy-related equipment and waste-reduction practices. Hosted by the Energy Systems Laboratory at Texas A&M Univ. and the Louisiana Dept. of Natural Resources, the IETC attracts an audience from North America and internationally. Attendees will hear about what other companies are successfully implementing, gauge the impact of new trends, see where the industry is heading, and share their experiences in meeting today's energy challenges. For more information, including programs and papers from previous conferences, visit ietc.tamu.edu.