The Saudi Arabian Local Section Young Professionals (SAS-YP) team organized a social mixer that brought together its 2017 officers. Officers gathered in a contemporary ambiance at the Nai Café, Khobar City.
Mohammed Alyanbaawi, chair for 2017, welcomed recently recruited officers with a brief presentation of the previous year’s achievements as well as prospects for growth in the upcoming year. The team recruited 10 new officers earlier this year, adding to the 14 members from the past year, in order to foster growth in activities. The number of officers has grown three times over the past two years to a tally of 24. Mohammed stressed that this remarkable growth is an indication of success.

Mohammed also shared with the attendees recent sponsorships secured from prominent organizations including SADARA, YASREF, AspenTech, and LUBEREF. “This remarkable growth of sponsorships, beyond a sole sponsor in 2016, is a vote of confidence in the team,” Mohammed stated. Nevertheless, he stressed that “this brings more challenges and increased responsibility to deliver on our promises for supporting the needs of the rising young professional workforce in the Kingdom.”
Tamim Al-Jasir, vice chair, shared the roles and responsibilities expected of each officer, along with planned portfolios of programs for 2017. Team members then exchanged ideas and suggestions with the subcommittee chairs in an open dialogue. The discussion highlighted the need for perseverance, commitment, and efficient communication among all officers to ensure success. Hamza Al-Hamadah, chair of the Communication Subcommittee, emphasized to members the importance of maintaining flexibility, capitalizing on growth of personal skills, and networking with professionals to make the most out of their endeavours with the SAS-YP team.
Established in 2015, the SAS-YP team has grown significantly over the past two years engaging over 1,500 Saudi young professionals. This year, the SAS-YP team plans to deliver a series of technical and leadership seminars as well as plant visits in partnership with five corporate sponsors. In addition, it is working with the organizing committee of the upcoming MEPEC 2017 to be held in Bahrain later this year, which will feature a rich program tailored for young professionals.
For more information about SAS-YP team, you can follow them on Twitter @AICHE_Saudi and its Channel on YouTube.