John Vasko asked members of Discussion Central if they listen to podcasts and if so, what some of their favorites are. He also asked if any members could recommend their favorite podcasts to fellow chemical engineers and related professionals.
Paisley Zelaya recommended a podcast called Nanovation, specifically an episode featuring ChemE professor Dr. Elizabeth Nance.
Stephen Lattanzio also suggested NSPE Speaks, IAQ Radio, HVAC 360, Building Science Podcast, the Engineering Career Coach Podcast, and the SafetyPro Podcast.
Alexandria Framarini recently discovered the Popular Science podcast Weirdest Thing I Learned This Week. She also recommends Stuff You Should Know.
Charles Sanderson likes the BBC Inside Science Podcast and the Curious Cases of Rutherford and Fry.
Several members recommended Science Friday and 60 Second Science.
AIChE's Foundation produces the Doing a World of Good Raj and Kumla Gupta Podcast Series. The podcast, which began in 2016, features interviews with some of the profession’s most prominent leaders and innovators, and reveals the many ways in which the work of chemical engineers improves human lives.
In the newest episode of the Foundation’s Doing a World of Good podcast, you'll meet Daniel Crowl, Andre Da Costa, and Teressa Szelest, three individuals committed to improving process safety.
All podcast episodes are available at www.aiche.org/giving/podcasts. You can also subscribe to the podcast via iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and Tune In.
Do you have a podcast you'd like to recommend to your fellow ChemEs? Share it with us.