Last month the United States Senate officially recognized October 8, 2019 as the 5th National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day in the United States. October 8th (10/08) was chosen in reference to the atomic weight of hydrogen, 1.008.
During the past year, AIChE's involvement in hydrogen safety grew with the launching of the Center for Hydrogen Safety and the first Conference on Hydrogen Safety.
Center for Hydrogen Safety launches
AIChE launched the Center for Hydrogen Safety (CHS) at the 2019 AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety in New Orleans. The new center promotes the safe handling and use of hydrogen across industrial and consumer applications, and provides international partner organizations with resources that address both traditional uses of hydrogen as a feedstock and hydrogen’s growing use as a fuel source.
The Center for Hydrogen Safety was established through a collaboration between AIChE and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).
Learn more about the Center for Hydrogen Safety.
DOE's Sunita Satyapal on hydrogen and fuel cell technology
Sunita Satyapal, director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Fuel Cell Technologies Office at the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, was a luncheon speaker at the 2019 AIChE Spring Meeting & 15th Global Congress on Process Safety, where she gave her presentation "Innovation and Emerging Technology Perspectives in Hydrogen and Fuel Cells."
In the video above, Sunita sat down with Nick Barilo, director of the Center for Hydrogen Safety at AIChE, to discuss the state of hydrogen and fuel cell technology, and the Department of Energy's H2@Scale initiative.
2019 Conference on Hydrogen Safety
Presented by the Center for Hydrogen Safety (CHS), the 2019 Conference on Hydrogen Safety will bring together academics, industry, and government representatives to highlight the safe use of hydrogen in commercial and industrial applications.
Sponsored by the California Fuel Cell Partnership, attendees will have the opportunity to ride in and drive a selection of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, including the Toyota Mirai and Honda Clarity. Visit the sign-up table near the conference's registration table to lock in your test drive time slot on Monday, October 14th, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
Hear from conference chair Will James about what attendees can expect at the conference.
Learn more about the 2019 Conference on Hydrogen Safety.
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