There are some great discussions happening on AIChE Engage's Discussion Central and Student Central. If you haven't yet participated, hop on over and share your opinions, or just have a look.
Discussion Central
Please note only professional members can post in Discussion Central.
Open-office environments
Loraine Kasprzak asks for advice on how to get work done in a less private environment, assuming we all know about noise-cancelling headphones.
Programming language
Amanda Chun is a recent chemical engineering graduate looking to expand her skill set through programming. Do you have a programming language you would recommend, and why?
Suggest a programming language.
Start a new discussion!
The Engage Discussion Central community is always looking for members to post new questions to encourage participation. Post your question.
Student Central
Please note only student members can post in Student Central.
Math exam anxiety
Maria Carmona-Montalvo asks which math classes are most beneficial as a chemical engineer and seeks advice on overcoming math exam anxiety or jitters.
Start a new discussion!
The Engage Student Central community is always looking for members to post new questions to encourage participation. Post your question.