There are some great discussions happening on AIChE Engage's Discussion Central and Student Central. If you haven't yet participated, hop on over and share your opinions, or just have a look.
Discussion Central
Please note only professional members can post in Discussion Central.
Working remotely
Aaron Sarafinas asks fellow professionals to share their challenges and successes with working remotely, especially during this time. Topics can include:
- Your home "office" - workstation and ergonomics
- Maintaining contact with your work colleagues - both project-related and "coffee break / water cooler"
- Conducting remote meetings
- Getting done what you need to get done
- Your new "work-life balance" - Dealing with distractions from work and home (spouse, children, pets) and society (pandemic)
COVID-19's effect on teaching
Jason Bara would like to know your thoughts and ideas on how to wrestle with remote teaching challenges such as such as synchronous vs. asynchronous lectures and options for tests, unit operations laboratories, group work, and the effect on summer study abroad.
How are you handling online teaching?
Start a new discussion!
The Engage Discussion Central community is always looking for members to post new questions to encourage participation. Post your question.
Student Central
Please note only student members can post in Student Central.
Finding project topics
Florence Bullem is looking for a topic on which to base her final year project.
Start a new discussion!
The Engage Student Central community is always looking for members to post new questions to encourage participation. Post your question.