There are some great discussions happening on AIChE Engage's Discussion Central and Student Central. If you haven't yet participated, hop on over and share your opinions, or just have a look.
Discussion Central
Please note only professional members can post in Discussion Central.
Discussions related to COVID-19
William Leighty started a discussion on how masks and other PPE can be sterilized and reused.
NG H Kiang Lucas shared a recently published CCPS monograph titled Risk Based Process Safety during Disruptive Times. Share your thoughts.
NASEM study on ChE in 21st century
Aaron Sarafinas asks his AIChE members to share their opinions on the future of chemical engineering. Learn more.
Start a new discussion!
The Engage Discussion Central community is always looking for members to post new questions to encourage participation.
Student Central
Please note only student members can post in Student Central.
Remote learning best practices
Harpreet Singh is interested in hearing about chemical engineering students' best practices for remote learning and how they're making the most of the current situation.
Start a new discussion!
The Engage Student Central community is always looking for members to post new questions to encourage participation. Post your question.