After almost ten years of distinguished service, Michael P. Harold, the Cullen Engineering Professor at the University of Houston, will be stepping down as Editor of the AIChE Journal, per the journal’s policy of limiting the position to two five-year terms. With Harold’s term concluding at the end of 2021, the Chair of the Publications Committee has formed a search committee led by John Ekerdt, Associate Dean for Research in Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, and begun the search for the next editor.
The AIChE Journal is the premier research monthly in chemical engineering and related fields, and is an official publication of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and its publishing partner John Wiley & Sons. With an editorial team of one editor, eight associate editors, and 35 consulting editors, this peer-reviewed and broad-based journal reports on the most important and latest technological advances in core areas of chemical engineering and, reflecting the progressive outlook of the profession, in other emerging areas of research.
The new editor will build on the progress made by Mike Harold over his editorship to increase and broaden the visibility, reach, and impact of the Journal. Key attributes of this new editor include: high technical and ethical standards; international stature; a broad perspective on chemical engineering and related fields; and embodiment of AIChE’s IDEAL values; among other traits listed in the full job description.
If you are interested in applying for this important position, please email Michelle Bryner, Director of Publications and Business Development at