Michelle Bryner

Michelle is the senior editor at Chemical Engineering Progress, where she covers topics ranging from metamaterials (what they are and how they’re being used), to supercomputer advancements, to what’s up in biotechnology. She has written for Popular Science, Psychology Today, TechNewsDaily.com, InnovationNewsDaily.com, and MensHealth.com.
Before becoming a writer, she worked as a chemical engineer at W.L. Gore, where she developed new processes and products (including some of the PacLite gear). Michelle has a BChE from the University of Delaware and an MS in science journalism from New York University. In her free time, she trains in Muay Thai kickboxing.
ChEnected contributions
Process Safety Progress (PSP) Seeks New Editor
Process Safety Progress is a premier research quarterly in the area of process safety as practiced in industry and government.
Search for the Next Bioengineering & Translational Medicine Journal Editor
Bioengineering & Translational Medicine, a premier journal in bioengineering and related fields, seeks a new editor-in-chief with a vision that will build on the journal's accomplishments.
New Interim Editor of AIChE’s Biotech & Translational Medicine Journal
Stepping into the role as interim editor-in-chief is Elizabeth Nance, Jagjeet and Janice Bindra Endowed Career Development Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Engineering Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies at the University of Washington.
AIChE Selects Next Editor of Flagship Journal
A fond farewell to editor Mike Harold and a warm welcome to David Sholl, as he assumes editorship of the AIChE Journal.
AIChE Journal Seeks New Editor
After almost ten years of distinguished service, Michael P. Harold will be stepping down as Editor of the AIChE Journal.
Top Chemical Engineers on the Importance of Mentors and Staying Relevant
AIChE leaders share their thoughts on mentorship and the skills necessary to stay relevant.
A Water Roadmap for Chemical Engineers
Water is one of the most important resources in the chemical process industries (CPI), presenting both opportunities as well as compliance obligations.
Hurricane Disaster Infrastructure Relief and Resilience Planning
A detailed look into the first of two workshops on hurricane disaster relief and resiliency.
Chemical Engineers Share Insights on Career Opportunities
The biennial salary survey asked chemical engineers about career prospects and employment trends, with varied findings.
Shifting Options for Chemical Engineers' Retirement Plans
Change was the theme for many this year, with additional or new retirement savings options that were received with mixed reviews.
Announcing the 2017 AIChE Chemical Engineering Salary Survey
This year's survey provides detailed information on earnings for chemical engineers across industries, benefits, and more.
Closing Chemical Engineering's Leadership Gender Gap
I’m always surprised when I attend a chemical industry event and the audience is predominantly male, or when I’m looking for CEOs to interview for CEP’s Leadership Q&A column
Interviews with Leading Engineers: Q&A with Eric Maynard
Mixing, blending, and segregation are routinely practiced across a wide spectrum of industries, but how many engineers are relying on hunch and inherited practices instead of hard science? Far too many, according to expert Eric Maynard of Jenike & Johanson. Read on for his observations and insights into these common processes.
Interviews with Leading Engineers: Q&A with Christianto Wibowo on Energy Consumption
With the rising cost of energy and increased government oversight of greenhouse gas emissions, reducing energy consumption is a key topic for chemical engineers. Christianto Wibowo, principal engineer at ClearWaterBay Technology, talks about ways to manage energy consumption in chemical plants.
Interviews with Leading Engineers: Q&A with Kevin Joback
In an interview with Kevin Joback, president at Molecular Knowledge Systems, we discuss his upcoming course on process and product development. Kevin will be a speaker at AIChE's upcoming Northeast Regional Conference at the Chem Show in November.