The Community of Process Engineers, founded by Scott and Karen Love, is a home for process engineers. It’s a place for collaborating and networking with other professional process engineers, as well as a place to find content related to process engineering.
In addition to creating the online community, Scott and Karen also support a podcast series of the Doing a World of Good Podcast that focuses on the importance of process engineers and why they remain at the core of a wide range of industries within the chemical engineering profession.
Read more and listen to the episodes below!
Episode 1: Process Engineers Beth Ballard and Monica Wilson
This episode focuses on newly retired process engineers Beth Ballard and Monica Wilson. Combined, they’ve spent over 70 years in their respective industries. During the podcast, you’ll learn why they decided to begin their careers as process engineers, how they navigated their respective industries as women and minorities, hear key advice they received that enabled them to succeed, and learn what’s next for them.
Episode 2: Process Engineers Donna Bryant and Carlos Prieto Perez
This episode features two young professional process engineers, Donna Bryant and Carlos Prieto Perez. Donna has over 13 years of experience as a process engineer and is currently with Pfizer. Carlos is starting his career at Merck. They discuss their respective paths that led them to process engineering, how early recognition by AIChE helped them overcome challenges, the importance of process engineers, and their goals for the future.
New episodes in this series will be featured on aiche.org/giving/podcasts. Stay tuned!
Join the Community of Process Engineers
Process Engineer Perspective Talks (PEP Talks)
AIChE has launched a new series of virtual presentations called Process Engineer Perspective (PEP) Talks, which will feature perspectives of process engineers on topics relevant to other process engineers. Join us every second Thursday of the month to get to know your fellow process engineers. Attendance is free.
The Community of Process Engineers is brought to you by Scott & Karen Love. Their support enables the AIChE Foundation to advance process engineers at every stage of their career allowing them to Do a World of Good.
AIChE Foundation – Doing a World of Good Campaign