Plant Operations

February 2025 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, build an OT cybersecurity program, improve practices for handling unstable materials, reduce fouling with better heat exchanger designs, and more.

August 2024 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, answering questions about using ChatGPT for chemical engineering, applying AI to process safety studies, harnessing virtual tours to accelerate plant turnarounds, and more.

April 2024 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, tips to better understand operating guidelines for utility water systems, considerations for designing thermoplastic piping systems, low- and mid-cost pollution sensors, and more.

August 2023 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, learn how to safely install hoods and ventilated enclosures, compare uses of gate and butterfly valves, get the low-down on ABET certification, and much more.

May 2023 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, improve your knowledge of predictive maintenance, get tips for troubleshooting common issues with vacuum systems, learn to boost your career with an entrepreneurial mindset, and much more.

February 2023 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, know-how for heterogeneous catalysts scale-up, tips for using historic field-level data for hazard analyses, ways to create a strong safety culture, and more.

August 2022 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This month, an up-close look at water supply safety, tips for establishing a resilient supply chain for dangerous goods, how to use modeling software during development to evaluate process uncertainties, and much more.

March 2022 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, read about where effort is most required to break down gender biases in the workplace, learn how mobile tools can help reduce human error, get tips for thermal hazards assessments, and more.

October 2021 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

Get tips on designing liquid-liquid extraction systems, understand how emergency isolation valves can mitigate early pool fires, catch up on Institute news, and much more.

August 2021 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, weigh the benefits of short-term and long-term solutions for aging infrastructure, use process safety risk assessment for cybersecurity risks, get tips for accurate detailed capital cost estimates, and more.

August 2020 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

This issue, take a look at reducing area electrical classification through upgraded ventilation, get the information you need for pressure-relief system design, get tips for managing ammonia in wastewater, and much more.    

July 2020 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

This month, a special section on the cosmetics industry, plus safety incident prevention, a look at the race for a COVID-19 vaccine, and much more.

March 2020 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

This issue, a special section dedicated to process intensification, plus articles on perfecting incident investigations, preventing corrosion, career tips, and much more.

July 2019 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

A look at commissioning smart technology equipment, an intro to vapor intrusion, cutting costs and emissions with combustion control, and more.

December 2018 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

This month CEP looks at pharmaceutical manufacturing trends in addition to articles on electric heat tracing systems, process intensification, distillation tower inspections, and much more.

September 2018 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

This month, a guide to distillation tower inspections, a close look at epigenetics, challenges for rare earth elements and other specialty metals, and much more.

June 2018 CEP Preview

. by Cynthia Mascone

This month, CEP looks at the neural networks of deep learning and delves into Fourier transform infrared (FITR) spectroscopy, plus much more.

September 2017 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This month, a focus on safety and applying human factors considerations to improve alarm systems. Also, a look at computational methods, and much more.

August 2017 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

Meet the 35 ChemEs honored in the AIChE 35 Under 35, brush up on adsorption, learn about condition monitoring, and much more.

January 2017 CEP Preview

. by

This month CEP looks at troubleshooting, offers a feature on process safety management don'ts (read full text online), looks at air-cooled heat exchanger performance, and much more.

June 2015 CEP Preview

. by

Chemical engineers continue to earn more than the average U.S. worker. The median salary of survey respondents is $127,000 — a 5.8% increase over 
the median reported in 2013.

Water: Industrial Discharge Permits

. by Kylie Canales

Environmental management groups are cracking down on industries by imposing tighter discharge limits and making industries everywhere contemplate in-house pretreatment programs—and dilution is no longer an acceptable solution.

Interpreting Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams

. by Robert Cook

Learning to read and interpret piping and instrumentation diagrams via dry text-based articles (unlike those produced by yours truly) can be painful. To make this critical topic a bit more engaging, a series of videos intended to complement the series provided here are offered. They review the fundamentals of virtually every aspect of symbology and tag application.

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