Management Division Service Award | AIChE

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Management Division Service Award

This award recognizes outstanding service to the AIChE Management Division by a member of the Division. The candidate must have participated in a variety of division activities and demonstrated outstanding leadership over an extended period of time.


  • Awards are administered by a committee of the AIChE Management Division which reviews all applications and recommends recipients for confirmation by the division’s Board.
  • Nomination can be made by any Division member.
  • Nominations should contain a succinct statement of nominee’s service and may also include such supporting material as deemed necessary.
  • Nominations should be accompanied by supporting letters from as many as three co-sponsors.
  • Submittal of the nomination form and supporting materials to the designated Division Award Committee Chair shall be made by email.
  • The award will generally be awarded annually but only if qualified nominations have been received. This determination is solely at the discretion of the Management Division Award Committee and the Management Division Board. Awards are presented at a special session, luncheon or dinner meeting held at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
  • A plaque
  • Up to US$1,000 for expense reimbursement to attend the Spring Meeting (may include coach-class airfare, hotel, and one-day conference registration fee)
  • Ticket for division dinner for award recipient and a guest
DeadlineNovember 30, 2024
AdministratorsManagement Division (MGMT)
PresentationThe award is presented at the division dinner held at the AIChE Spring Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Submit applications or ask questions by writing to

Nomination Form

SponsorsManagement Division (MGMT)