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Student Awards & Competitions

Granted to both individual and student chapters, these awards recognize academic skill and student chapter achievements. Scholarships and competitions are included.

First Year Student Recognition Award

  • Free Registration to the upcoming Annual Student Conference (Valued at $150)
  • Certificate of Recognition

DeadlineJuly 1, 2024
PresentationThis award is presented at the Annual Student Conference.
Nomination Instructions

To be eligible for this prize, the nominee must be an active AIChE member. The nominee’s student chapter also MUST file an Annual Report with AIChE by July 1. Award nominations may be submitted in advance of the report, with the expectation that the chapter will file a report by the reporting deadline. 

It is recommended that you prepare your answers and have any supporting documents ready in advance of completing the nomination form (answers and supporting documents cannot be saved within the application before submission). Incomplete or unqualified applications will not be accepted.

For assistance, please email the AIChE Awards Administration at

Go to Nomination Form

SponsorsScaleUp Sponsors

The First Year Student Recognition Award is presented to one AIChE student member in each student chapter who has been the most active in their student chapter during his/her first year of undergraduate study, on recommendation of the Student Chapter Advisor.

Global Undergraduate Student Video Competition

  Value of Award(s)

Team Choice Winners

1st Place Overall $700
2nd Place Overall $200
3rd Place Overall $100

Judges' Choice Winners

1st Place $700
2nd Place $300
3rd Place $200
4th Place $100
5th Place $100

DeadlineSeptember 15, 2024
AdministratorsEarly Career Community, K-12 Committee
Nomination Instructions

Teams are responsible for completing the competition entry process in its entirety by the submission deadline in order to be eligible to compete. To submit your team’s entry, you will need to complete the online Global Student Video Competition Entry Form, following all form instructions and providing all required items, and submit your video through a separate secondary process. 

File Click here to view all Global Student Video Competition Entry Form instructions and list of required fields. 

Ready to submit your video?

1. Click here to begin the online Global Student Video Competition Entry Form

2. Click here to submit your Video, Copyright Statement Form, and Safe Experimentation Form 

2024 Competition Deadlines and Important Dates

Topic announcement August 1, 2024 
Video submission deadline September 15, 2024
Team voting begins September 30, 2024
Team voting ends October 14, 2024
Winners announced October 27, 2024

*Attendance at the Annual Student Conference is not required to compete.

Video Qualification Criteria

You will be judged on the following qualifications:

  • Video length of 2-5 minutes
  • Video narration must be in English OR video must include English subtitles
  • University name and team name are written in the first frame of the video
  • YouTube compatible video format
  • No copyright violations (read Competition's Copyright Rules)
  • Original content and creativity
  • Accuracy and relevancy of technical content and communication of that content to the proper audience
  • Presentation quality

Additional Qualification Criteria

  • All team members are active AIChE undergraduate student members at the time of submission

  • Team has completed all submission requirements by the specified deadline

Each university will only be eligible to win a maximum of two (2) awards.

Competition's Copyright Rules

Upon submission of each video, teams will need to confirm that they have read, reviewed and adhered to the Competition's Copyright Rules.

Tips on a successful competition video:

Who are the judges?

The final evaluators for the Judges' Choice award will consist of individuals from different fields of expertise to ensure fair evaluation as well as to foster interest of experts from other disciplines in the chemical engineering activities.

Team Voting Process

All competition videos will be posted on the ChEnected YouTube page. An email announcement will be made to all participating team captains with instructions for casting the team's vote once the team voting period is open.

Each participating team will be eligible to cast one vote for another participating team’s entry, with the following exclusions:

  • Teams cannot cast their vote for their own entry
  • Teams cannot cast their vote for another entry from the same university

Winning videos will be those with the greatest number of votes.

Questions? Email us at

The AIChE Global Undergraduate Student Video Competition, organized by the AIChE Early Career Community (ECC) and K-12 Community, is back for 2024! ...

International Student Chapter Leadership Development Travel Grant


Recipients will receive:

  • Roundtrip airfare to conference location
  • Complimentary registration to the Annual Student Conference
  • Hotel accommodations*

​*Recipients are responsible for all their ground transportation costs, visa application fees, food and drink expenses.  Winners will be expected to attend events on schedule provided by AIChE.  If the winner wants to have time to tour the city, they should plan on scheduling additional days before or after the conference (at the winner's expense). 

DeadlineJuly 8, 2020
PresentationThe travel grant will be awarded on the basis of leadership involvement in the nominee's Student Chapter and Executive Student Committee (ESC) activities, academic achievement, and strength of nomination from the Student Chapter Advisor.
Nomination Instructions

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Nominee must be an active AIChE undergraduate student member at the time of the nomination
  • Nominee must be a past or current leader of an AIChE Student Chapter located outside the U.S. and Canada at the time of the nomination
  • Nominee must be a past, current, or incoming member of the AIChE Executive Student Committee (ESC) at the time of the nomination
  • Nominee must be an undergraduate in Chemical Engineering during the 2021-2022 academic year. Please note: students graduating in 2020 and 2021 are not eligible
  • Nominee's student chapter must submit its Student Chapter Annual Report by July 1. Note: Student Chapters who were approved after 12/31/2019 are exempt from this requirement.

Nomination Process:

  • Nominations must be made by the Student Chapter Advisor and only one nomination will be accepted from each International AIChE Student Chapter. ​

  • The nominee must provide the advisor with 1) their AIChE membership ID number, 2) a CV/Resume, and 3) an essay outlining Student Chapter and regional development objectives and plans to apply and transfer the knowledge from their experience at the Annual Student Conference to the student members in their chapter and other chapters in their region and beyond.
  • The Student Chapter Advisor gathers all application pieces and submits the nomination online:

Click Here for Nomination Form

The purpose of this award is to facilitate the participation and leadership development of international student chapter members at the Annual Student Conference and to strengthen AIChE's relationship with these future global leaders. Up to eight...

John J. McKetta Undergraduate Scholarship


A certificate and $5,000.

DeadlineJune 15, 2024
PresentationThe scholarship will be formally presented during the Student Awards Ceremony at the Annual Student Conference.
Nomination Instructions

Rules, Criteria and Submission Requirements

  1. Applicants must be AIChE student members at the time of the nomination and be entering their third or final year of a 4 year program in Chemical Engineering or equivalent for a 5 year co-op program.
  2. Selection of winners will be based on the following criteria:
    1. The applicant’s academic record, minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0.
    2. The applicant’s leadership and participation in either the school’s AIChE student chapter or other university sponsored campus activity outlined in the leadership activities essay.
    3. Applicant’s career goals in the chemical engineering process industries as outlined in the career essay.
  3. Only students attending ABET accredited schools in the U.S, Canada, and Mexico* are eligible.
  4. Limited to one nomination per AIChE Student Chapter per year.
  5. Awardees will be notified by October 1 and will be required to provide tax informaton (Social Security Number for U.S. residents) in order to receive payment. Award prize must be claimed by December 31.
*Preference will be given to Mexican universities participating in ABET’s Equivalent Education Program

Instructions for submitting an application

A complete application for the AIChE John J. McKetta Undergraduate Scholarship Award must contain a copy of each of the following items (each letter should contain an original signature to be scanned and uploaded). All applications are submitted online.
From the student:
  • A completed application submitted online.
  • A maximum three page (750 word) essay outlining the applicant's career goals in the Chemical Engineering process industries.
  • It is preferred/ strongly encouraged that the nominee describe leadership activities in either the schools AIChE Student Chapter or other university sponsored campus activity. 
From the college:
  • A minimum of two letters of recommendation (in English). One nomination letter must be from the AIChE student chapter advisor, and the other from either a department faculty or technical work supervisor (internship or REU supervisor).
  • Official copy of student transcript sent (by the school) to AIChE.

It's important to read, and understand the above Rules, Criteria and Submission Requirements before submitting your application for this award. It is also recommended that you prepare your answers and have your supporting documents ready in advance of completing the online application (answers and supporting documents cannot be saved within the application before submission). Incomplete or unqualified applications will not be accepted.

Go to Application Form

SponsorsThe Dekker Foundation

The John J. McKetta Undergraduate Scholarship is awarded to a chemical engineering undergraduate student (incoming third-year or final-year student only), planning a career in the chemical engineering process industries (CPI).

Minority Affairs Community's Minority Scholarship Awards for College Students


An award of $1,000 per student per scholastic year, renewable to the following year as long as the student continues to meet the eligbility requirements.

DeadlineJune 15, 2025
AdministratorsMAC | Minority Affairs Community (MAC)
PresentationStudents are recognized at the Annual Student Conference Awards Ceremony each year.
Nomination Instructions

Rules, Requirements, Selection Criteria and Application Form 

It's important to read and understand the Rules, Criteria and Submission Requirements for the scholarship before submitting your application. You will find them within the online application below. It is also recommended that you review the application questions and required supporting documents in advance of submitting the applictaion (prepare your answers on a separate sheet and have your supporting documents ready for upload). Answers and supporting documents cannot be saved within the online application before submission. Incomplete or unqualified applications will not be accepted.

The AIChE Minority Scholarship Award is presented to selected AIChE undergraduate student members annually. Applicants shall be required to be undergraduates in chemical engineering during the current academic year and be members of a minority group that is under-represented in chemical engineering.

Minority Affairs Community's Scholarship Awards for Incoming College Students


A one-time award of $1,000 per student. Approximately 15 scholarships are presented annually.

DeadlineJune 15, 2025
AdministratorsMAC | Minority Affairs Community (MAC)
PresentationStudents are recognized at the Annual Student Conference Awards Ceremony each year.
Nomination Instructions

Note: You can only submit an application once using this form and you cannot edit your submission after completing it. Please have all materials prepared before submitting (It is strongly recommended that you practice and prepare your application using the worksheet provided with the nomination packet below.) Duplicate applications will be disregarded. Detailed instructions are provided on the Online Submissions Form.

 Click here to access the application form.

My Simulation Converged

My Simulation Converged Video Contest

$500 cash prize!

DeadlineOctober 8, 2019
Nomination Instructions

Post a video on your Instagram account's feed (max 10 seconds) following the theme selected by Chemstations Inc.

  1. The post must be made on Instagram

  2. If a computer screen is shown, it should show a flowsheet simulation

  3. Videos may not exceed 10 seconds

  4. Posts should be tagged with #AIChEConverged, student(s) names and university

  5. Videos will initially be ranked based on number of likes. The top 20 videos will be reviewed and a winner chosen by judge's choice.

  6. Submissions must adhere to the AIChE Code of Conduct and AIChE's Code of Ethics

See posts submitted to the contest.


To qualify, students must have a declared major in chemical engineering and have followed the instructions above in creating a video.

Judging Criteria:

Videos will be judged on creativity and adherence to the theme.

Winners will be announced at the Annual Student Conference.

If you have any questions, contact us at

This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram.

SponsorsChemstations, Inc.

Under the aegis of AIChE, Chemstations, Inc. is awarding a $500 cash prize for a short video posted to Instagram.

A note from the sponsors:

Modern simulation software is powerful and fast, but it still requires a number of prerequisites to get to a solution. Good input...

Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development


Students have an opportunity to win $65,000 in cash prizes for themselves, their faculty advisors and their universities.

DeadlineMay 31, 2015
AdministratorsInstitute for Sustainability (IfS)
Nomination Instructions

The Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development is accepting entries beginning Jan. 2, 2012 from students of all engineering fields, architecture, building and construction management, and chemistry.  By submitting a paper that outlines contributions to sustainability, students have an opportunity to engage in a challenging exercise to develop engineering and chemical solutions.

The Odebrecht Organization, a global leader with diversified businesses and worldwide operations wants you! Join the (r)evolution!

Outstanding Sister Chapters Award


The Outstanding Sister Chapter pair will receive a plaque at the Annual Student Conference as well complimentary registration to the upcoming Annual Student Conference for one Sister Chapter program lead from each chapter.

DeadlineOctober 4, 2022
AdministratorsExecutive Student Committee (ESC)
PresentationThe award will be presented at the AIChE Annual Student Conference.
Nomination Instructions

Nomination Criteria & Requirements

  • Each chapter in a pair must be active AIChE student chapters.

  • Only one nomination will be accepted from each student chapter pair. 
  • Pairs need to be sister chapters for at least one academic year before nomination in order to ensure they have had a full calendar year of interaction.
  • Not an Outstanding Sister Chapter within the last three years.
  • Summary of activities done during the last year.
  • Both student chapters must have submitted the Annual Report and the Annual Sister Chapter progress report, with this last report being the nomination form.
  • Sister Chapter pairs formed after April are exempt from submitting a Sister Chapter progress report the following September, but are required to submit Sister Chapter progress reports annually starting the next September. For example, Sister Chapters formed in May 2022 are not required to submit a Sister Chapter progress report in September 2022, but must submit one in September 2023 and every year following. Nonetheless, if there is a change of the sister chapter lead, it must be informed to the Sister Chapter Subcommittee.
  • The progress report must include the activities done between August 2021 and July 2022
  • If you have not had contact with your sister chapter during the last year, please fill the form on your own.

Outstanding Sister Chapter Award Nomination Form

Sister Chapter Progress Report

Outstanding Student Chapter Advisor Award


(1) A plaque and (2) a $500 travel allowance to attend the Annual Meeting or a $500 unrestricted grant.

DeadlineJuly 1, 2024
PresentationThe award will be presented at the AIChE Annual Student Conference.
Nomination Instructions

Selection criteria include:

  • Outstanding leadership as an advisor, particularly in creating enthusiasm and professionalism among the chapter members.
  • Summary of chapter activities.
  • Endorsement of the nomination by the head of the chemical engineering department is required.
  • Award winners cannot be re-nominated for at least ten years.

Nominee minimum qualifications for eligibility:

  • Advisor of a chartered AIChE Student Chapter for at least the last three years.
  • Not an Outstanding Student Chapter Advisor within the last ten years.
  • Active member of AIChE for at least the last three years and at the time of the nomination.

The nomination form may be used by an AIChE member or associate member to recommend an advisor for the award. Student Chapter members are qualified nominators.
The outstanding advisor will receive a cash award and a plaque. There will be up to two people selected for the award each year, and once having won the award, the winner(s) will no longer eligible to receive it again for ten years (refer to the below list of past outstanding advisors). 

Go to Nomination Form

For assistance, please contact


The AIChE Student Chapters Committee recognizes the excellent work being done by many student chapter advisors. We formally acknowledge the work done by these dedicated individuals by presentation of an Outstanding Student Chapter Advisor Award. The Outstanding Student Chapter Advisor Award will...



Giving Back

Donations small and large and make a difference, and remember all gifts to the AIChE Foundation are tax-deductible. Learn more about AIChE's Doing a World of Good campaign.