Arthur Baulch

Arthur Baulch is Managing Editor, Journals for AIChE. He has worked in chemical engineering journals for 26 years as Copy Editor, Production Editor, Journal Specialist, and Managing Editor.
ChEnected contributions
A Chat With Process Safety Legend John Herber
Read about how John got his start in process safety, the incidents that fueled his desire to learn more, the role of mentors, and more.
Bioengineering & Translational Medicine Addresses Formulation and Delivery Strategies for COVID-19 Drugs
Strategies for repurposing existing antiviral drugs, such as modifying how they are dosed, administered, and delivered, could them an important part of fighting COVID-19 until a vaccine is available.
Process Safety Progress (PSP) Publishes Special Issue: Loss Prevention Asia 2019
Free access is available for two months to this important process safety publication featuring highlights from Loss Prevention Asia 2019 (LPA 2019).
New Bioengineering & Translational Medicine Article Climbs Altmetrics Charts!
The new article “Nanoparticles in the Clinic: An Update” by Samir Mitragotri (Harvard) and Aaron C. Anselmo (UNC Chapel Hill) is already generating lots of attention.
AIChE Journal Looks to the Future
A special issue will shine the spotlight on early-career chemical engineers and their pioneering research.
Women in Process Safety
An impressive lineup of women leaders gathered at GCPS in New Orleans to discuss career paths, challenges, and and more.
EP&SE Publishes Special Section on Carbon Dioxide
The latest issue showcases the current thinking related to the reduction of carbon emissions, the utilization of CO2 that can ameliorate its presence and provide useful products, and storage options.
Biotechnology Progress Article Climbs Altmetrics Charts
The article “A Novel Mammalian Cell Line Development Platform Utilizing Nanofluidics and OptoElectro Positioning Technology” is drawing tremendous attention.
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Beyond Behavioral Testing
A recent article in Bioengineering & Translational Medicine on the subject of developing a biochemical test for autism spectrum disorder is drawing widespread attention.
Misfolded and Aggregated Proteins Draw New Attention
Once a non-topic, misfolded and aggregated proteins are drawing a lot of attention, and an article that singles out high-quality publications on these topics is in the spotlight.
AIChE Journal Article on “Green” Catalysis Technique Aiming to Boost Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Efficiency Tops Altmetrics Charts
New green catalyst draws attention for its speed and efficiency.
EP&SE Journal Article on Bio-Jet Fuel Tops Altmetrics Charts
Read this Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (EP&SE) article for a limited time for free.
BioTM Articles Topping Altmetrics Charts
In its first year, BioTM is already topping the charts, with top ratings for viewing, sharing, and discussion of articles.