Karen Simpson

Karen Simpson

Karen Simpson is the Production Coordinator for CEP and will be posting a preview of the latest issue of the magazine each month.

ChEnected contributions

April 2021 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This issue, a seven-question HAZOP study, a look at early-stage capital cost estimation, avoiding a high-temperature hydrogen attack, and more.

March 2021 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This month, a primer on process intensification, troubleshooting once-through reboilers, using renewable power for carbon dioxide mitigation, and more.

February 2021 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This month, hazardous materials use and storage and how they relate to building codes, tips for safe pump operation, a look at process control issues during engineering design, and more.

February 2018 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

Learn how to optimize pilot plant testing for liquid-liquid extractions, analyze the performance of pump networks, get an update on the chemical industry in Hungary, and much more.

December 2017 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This month, methods for order-of-magnitude cost estimation for shale-gas, optimized heat transfer of viscous fluids, the chemical industry in the Philippines, and more.

November 2017 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

Chemical engineers' response to the addiction epidemic, cogeneration operation basics, an overview of Colombia's chemical industry, and more.

September 2017 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This month, a focus on safety and applying human factors considerations to improve alarm systems. Also, a look at computational methods, and much more.

August 2017 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

Meet the 35 ChemEs honored in the AIChE 35 Under 35, brush up on adsorption, learn about condition monitoring, and much more.

July 2017 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This month features a special section on solar energy, with a look at concentrating solar thermal (CST), solar thermochemical energy storage (CSP), and more.

June 2017 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

This month, results of the biennial salary survey of chemical engineers, ways to improve spreadsheet productivity, cybersecurity tips, and more.

May 2017 CEP Preview

. by Karen Simpson

Understand the pros & cons of modular design, learn to optimize compressed air systems, reduce produce contamination, and more.
