(602b) Calorimetric Method for Monomer Sapt Transportation Regulation | AIChE

(602b) Calorimetric Method for Monomer Sapt Transportation Regulation


Sheng, M. - Presenter, The Dow Chemical Company
Horsch, S., The Dow Chemical Company
Dan, F., The Dow Chemical Co.
Bellair, R., The Dow Chemical Company
Holsinger, M., The Dow Chemical Company
The United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations, Rev.19 (2015) has a new requirement for the determination of the SAPT (Self-Accelerating Polymerization Temperature) for polymerizing substances. Accordingly, polymerizing substances are subject to temperature monitoring or temperature control depending upon their SAPT and type of transportation packaging. The requirement also states that SAPT shall be determined in accordance with the test procedures established for the SADT (Self Accelerating Decomposition Temperature) for self-reactive substances. There are actually several types of SADT methods which differ in their measurement techniques. Recent work published for Acrylic Acid has shown that SAPT results can differ significantly depending upon which SADT method was applied. To ensure consistent SAPT values for safe transportation, several industry consortia committees (Basic Acrylic Monomer Manufacturers, European Basic Acrylate Manufacturers and Methacrylate Producers Association) met in a joint session, of which Dow is a member, and agreed to an inter-company effort to identify the best method on the basis of good science, readily available technology, and flexibility in packaging applications. This paper highlights the technical approach developed and validated at Dow for inhibited methyl methacrylate (MMA) using isothermal microcalorimetry, modeling, simulations, and SADT H1 testing. In this study, the effect of inhibitor level, headspace volume, and mixing during sample preparation on polymer induction times (PIT) were carefully examined and managed. Several kinetic models were evaluated based on their fit to PIT data and full heat profiles, and accuracy of measured and predicted data. For H1 SADT validation at Dow, the heat transfer characteristics for the 1-gallon container were first determined by measuring the heating-cooling curves for several substances in an oven, and then estimated by different prediction approaches, such as film heat transfer coefficient, unsteady state CFD and steady state CFD. The H1 test results for MMA were consistent with the SAPT values predicted by the simulation using kinetics obtained from the microcalorimetry data (for heat gains), and the measured heat transfer coefficient for the 1-gallon container (for heat losses). With the successful completion of this proof of concept study, Dow advocates for the determination of SAPT utilizing isothermal calorimetric data and modeling. This approach can be easily implemented at smaller companies using commercially available calorimeters, and can accommodate variations in size and shape of common transportation containers.