University of Miami Aerosol Science & Technology Workshop | AIChE

University of Miami Aerosol Science & Technology Workshop


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University of Miami Workshop on Aerosol Science and Technology

The Center for Aerosol Science and Technology at the University of Miami is hosting its Second Annual Workshop on Aerosol Science and Technology in January 2024. The purpose of this 2.5-day workshop is to learn fundamentals of aerosol science and nanoparticle technology, and promote academic and industrial collaborative opportunities. Tutorial session and six invited keynote speakers will lead the technical sessions on:

  • Nanoparticle Technology: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
  • Particle Instrument Hands-on Demonstration
  • Aerosols and Public Health
  • Aerosol and Dust Measurement
  • Tutorials on topics related to Aerosol Science and Technology

The technical sessions will be accompanied by poster sessions, exhibits, and lab tours. The Workshop is specifically advantageous to beginning researchers (graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, junior faculty) and participants from Industry.

The Center for Aerosol Science and Technology is a newly established research center at the University of Miami that has eight core and multiple affiliated faculty members from the College of Engineering, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, and Miller School of Medicine. The Center for Aerosol Science and Technology focuses on the characterization of fundamental aerosol formation and transformation processes to determine impacts on the environment, climate, and human health and to utilize these processes to develop new materials to enable energy, environmental and medical technologies.


January 10 to January 12, 2024


University of Miami


  • Each technical session will be led by two 30-minute invited keynote speech, followed by three 15-minute technical presentations and 45-min discussion at the end of the session
  • Poster sessions are scheduled on the second and third days of the workshop
  • Two lunches, one dinner, one happy hour, and coffee breaks included

Registration Fees:

Industrial partners:

Short Courses only 

In person


Virtual attendance


Full workshop (Short Courses + Technical Sessions)

In person


Virtual attendance


Academic partners:


Full workshop

(Short Courses + Technical Sessions)

In person or Virtual



Full workshop

(Short Courses + Technical Sessions)

In person or Virtual



The Center for Aerosol Science and Technology at the University of Miami is hosting its First Annual Workshop on Aerosol Science and Technology in January 2024. The purpose of this 2.5-day workshop is to learn fundamentals of aerosol science and nanoparticle technology, and promote academic and industrial collaborative opportunities. The Workshop is specifically advantageous to beginning researchers (graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, junior faculty) and participants from Industry.

The Center for Aerosol Science and Technology is a newly established research center at the University of Miami that has eight core and multiple affiliated faculty members from the College of Engineering, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, and Miller School of Medicine.The Center for Aerosol Science and Technology focuses on the characterization of fundamental aerosol formation and transformation processes to determine impacts on the environment, climate, and human health and to utilize these processes to develop new materials to enable energy, environmental and medical technologies.

Course attendees will receive a 2.0 University of Miami Continuing Education Units (CEUs). A CEU certificate will be mailed to attendees after the course. Participants who wish to receive CEUs are expected to attend all scheduled sessions of the course.

The Workshop is specifically advantageous to beginning researchers (graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, junior faculty) and participants from Industry.

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  • Duration:
    2.5 days
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