Senior Leaders and Process Safety: The Role and The Opportunity | AIChE

Senior Leaders and Process Safety: The Role and The Opportunity


Limited time summer sale: 20% off select eLearning courses. Use Promo Code SUMMERSALE.

You are an Executive or Senior Manager. Your company has made major investments into Process Safety systems such as Management of Change, Risk Identification, Mechanical Integrity, etc. These systems are audited regularly and findings are pursued and closed. You may have placed process safety coordinators into the organization to insure that process safety systems receive attention and support. However, it is important to examine the role you personally have in leading the organization to bottom line process safety results – and the role that each of your reports should have. What are the routine activities where your participation can make a difference? What questions and areas of focus are appropriate for your position? Do you understand why some companies are successful in translating their resource commitments into process safety performance, while others are not?

This interactive course will examine the role that culture plays in catastrophic events, the critical role you have personally in establishing culture, and what good culture for Process Safety looks like. Review real-world accident case studies which outline the major threat that comes from normalization of deviation and how the culture which you establish can minimize that threat. Discuss the importance of having managers at every level who understand the high–consequence events which could occur in their area and also the barriers which they must ensure are maintained at high-integrity. The course will introduce you to best-practices in industry for maintaining critical process safety competencies in managers and leaders even though they rotate through assignments at a high frequency, take you through a discussion of how to select meaningful metrics to guide the program, and outline the importance of learning from organizational near misses and how your personal engagement in that process is critical. Leave with an understanding of key investments available to your organization which can bring significant returns to the bottom line via increased same-plant productions capacities, raw material and energy efficiencies, and plant reliability – investments which, at the same time, decrease risk for catastrophic events.

CEUs and PDHs are awarded based on course length. Contact for more information

Learning Outcomes:

  • Recognize what good and poor process safety culture look like.

  • Analyze case studies of major accidents from the perspective of leadership and cultural roots to the event.

  • Assess the health of an organization’s process safety systems and the degree of effective management engagement in those systems.

  • Discuss critical cultural enablers to process safety performance, and the critical role the senior leader has to drive those enablers.

Who Should Attend:

Senior Leaders and Executives in the Petrochemical and Petroleum Production industries who have accountability for performance of Manufacturing/Production.

Course Outline

  • Why Process Safety?
  • Key Concepts and the Evolution of Process Safety Thought
  • Recurring Themes from Incident Investigations
  • Cultural Differentiators
  • Work Processes with High Leverage on the Differentiators
  • Gauging Health and Driving Improvement
  • Organization and Ownership
  • Putting It All Together – Your Expectations, and Your Actions

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No public sessions of this course are scheduled at this time. If you are interested in receiving updates related to this course please fill out the Course Inquiry Form.

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  • Course ID:
  • Source:
    CCPS - Center for Chemical Process Safety
  • Language:
  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
  • CEUs:
  • PDHs:
  • Accrediting Agencies:
    New Jersey
    New York