This online course presents the Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) methodology used worldwide in the process industries for simplified, rule-based risk analysis. The course covers the basic LOPA approach to selecting and analyzing potential incident scenarios.
You will learn the finer points of topics such as enabling conditions and conditional modifiers, and the logistical aspects of planning and executing a LOPA study including documentation and program management. You’ll also gain CCPS guidance on initiating events, independent protection layers, enabling conditions and conditional modifiers - including the likelihood of ignition.
This course may be taken as part of the AIChE Credential for Sustainability Professionals (ACSP). More info
Explain the LOPA approach
Select scenarios for analysis
Apply enabling conditions and conditional modifiers
Differentiate independent protection layers
Manage LOPA implementation, updates, and follow-up
Record the analysis with proper documentation
Hazard evaluation teams, dedicated site or corporate LOPA teams, those who manage LOPAs as well as expert analysts and safety teams.
Lecture One: Introductions
Lecture Two: LOPA Scenarios
Lecture Three: Target Risks, Scenario Impacts
Lecture Four: Initiating Events, Enabling Conditions
Lecture One: Independent Protection Layers
Lecture Two: Conditional Modifiers
Lecture Three: Documentation Options, Examples
Lecture Four: Implementing Actions; Updating LOPAs
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AIChE Practice+ provides learners with opportunities to work on real-world challenges through industry internships and competitions.
With AIChE Career Discovery®, we'll help you to identify aptitudes and skills you’ll need in order to achieve your full potential at various career stages.
AIChE Credential validates your proficiency with potential employers in areas such as process intensification, safety, sustainability and others.