Excel VBA Programming for Chemical Engineers | AIChE

Excel VBA Programming for Chemical Engineers


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Sale ends March 15th.

If you know your way around Microsoft Excel and you’re ready to learn Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Programming this course is for you. In this online course, chemical engineer and VBA expert David Clough will introduce the built-in programming capabilities of Microsoft Excel, and its companion VBA programming language. Learn how to take your spreadsheet problem-solving skills to the next level.

Mac users please note: Lectures 10 and 11 use Excel VBA ‘userforms’ which are not currently functional in Excel for Macs. Please take the course on a PC.

Topics will include:

  • How to work back and forth between Excel and VBA
  • Recording and editing macros
  • Debugging VBA code
  • Developing Excel add-ins
  • VBA programming fundamentals and techniques
  • Excel user interfaces: message and input boxes and user forms

Learning Outcomes:

  • Create time-saving VBA macros that streamline your use of Excel.
  • Develop user-defined functions for typical engineering calculations and package families of functions in Excel Add-ins.
  • Exchange data and information between the Excel spreadsheet and the VBA programming environment.
  • Create VBA applications from Excel spreadsheet prototype calculations.
  • Develop user interfaces with VBA’s message boxes, input boxes, and user forms.

Who Should Attend:

Engineers or scientists who have been working with Excel for some time, have basic spreadsheet skills and basic knowledge of computer programming or have taken AIChE’s Spreadsheet Problem-Solving for Chemical Engineers (ELS-101).


Lecture One: Introduction to VBA, Recording Macros

Lecture Two: Creating and Debugging User-Defined Functions

Lecture Three: Communicating between the Spreadsheet and VBA

Lecture Four: Object-Oriented Programming

Lecture Five: Data Types and Arrays

Lecture Six: Numerical Methods

Lecture Seven: Structured and Modular Programming

Lecture Eight: Event Handlers

Lecture Nine: Message Boxes and Input Boxes

Lecture Ten: Introducing User Forms

Lecture Eleven: Developing VBA Applications

Lecture Twelve: Interfacing with Other Programs

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  • Course ID:
  • Source:
  • Language:
  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
    12 hours
  • CEUs:
  • PDHs:
  • Accrediting Agencies:
    New Jersey
    New York