Fundamentals of Climate Change and Mitigation | AIChE

Fundamentals of Climate Change and Mitigation


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The first of four modules on Fundamentals of Climate Change and Mitigation enables participants to understand and be able to explain concerns about anthropogenic climate change to others like stakeholders for mitigation projects. There is growing consensus across scientists studying climate change that urgent action is needed but there is misinformation about climate change detracting from scientific findings and creating climate change deniers and doubters. This first module explains scientific findings on climate change most relevant to mitigation and provides references to learn more. The second module on mitigation enables participants to understand the origin and impact of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on our planet and way of life as motivation for mitigation. This second module helps participants find motivation to give their best effort and recruit needed support from key stakeholders for project implementation. The third module on mitigation tools enables participants to be able to calculate impact on GHG emissions for different process options at emission points. Mitigation tools include carbon accounting principles to identify emission points and understand the sources of emissions for different processes and ways to quantify GHG emissions. The fourth and final module on a systems approach to mitigation enables participants to apply systems thinking in developing climate solutions. Systems tools include applying different lenses to identify potential climate solutions, life cycle analysis, stakeholder analysis, and assessment of technical and financial feasibility.

  • Understand and be able to explain concerns about anthropogenic climate change to others like important stakeholders for mitigation projects.
  • Understand the origin and impact of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on our planet and way of life as motivation for mitigation.
  • Be able to calculate impact on GHG emissions for different process options at emission points.
  • Apply systems thinking in developing climate solutions with a multidisciplinary team.

This course is intended for anyone that wants to learn the fundamentals of climate change and mitigation. 

Module 1:  Climate Change Science

  • Atmosphere
  • The Greenhouse Effect
  • Science Bodies for Climate Change
  • Human Causes
  • Climate vs. Weather
  • Impacts of Carbon

Module 2: A Focus on Mitigation

  • Billion Dollar Disasters
  • Climate Change & Earth Systems
  • Climate Change Tipping Points
  • Climate Change & Disease
  • Mitigation
  • Global Warming Potential
  • Greenhouse Gases
  • Energy Use

Module 3: Mitigation Tools

  • US EPA Inventory vs. GHGRP
  • Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Carbon Accounting
  • Community Emissions
  • Waste Emissions
  • Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Quantifying Scope 2 Emissions
  • Product Life Cycle Assessment
  • Product LCA vs. Scope Emissions

Module 4: Systems Approach to Mitigation

  • Carbon Disclosure Project
  • The Natural Step
  • Stakeholder Assessment
  • Structured Assessment

Final Quiz

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  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
    2 hours
  • CEUs:
  • PDHs:
  • Accrediting Agencies:
    New Jersey
    New York