Modeling Techniques in Excel | AIChE

Modeling Techniques in Excel

Develop the deeper knowledge of spreadsheets, especially Excel, which you need to improve your financial and evaluation modeling and analysis. This online course will bring you up-to-speed on the features of Excel that best apply to the specific evaluations chemical engineers get involved with and how to use them to develop your own models.

Modeling expert Robert Salvin will begin by introducing the concept of modeling and different types of models. You’ll review key Excel principles and then, through the use of three example models—budget, project decision-making and financial statement—you’ll learn how to apply these principles. This course also highlights the features of Excel that best apply to these models. 

In addition, you’ll review key evaluation principles—time value of money, present value and rate of return—and how to use Excel to generate these values. You’ll identify spreadsheet errors chemical engineers commonly make and how to avoid them.  Throughout the course, you’ll learn practical skills to improve your day-to-day modeling efforts, such as how to best organize a spreadsheet, develop an evaluation model in Excel and apply model guidelines to your own work. 

  • The organization of a spreadsheet and what it consists of
  • How to best develop an evaluation model in Excel
  • What Excel functions are available to project evaluation
  • The meaning of net present value and rate of return
  • Pitfalls of using spreadsheets and how to avoid them What financial statements are

Any engineer who is involved in project development, evaluation and decision-making and who needs to use Excel spreadsheets for financial and evaluation analyses. 

Lecture 1: Concept of Modeling

  • Introduction
  • Types of Models
  • Excel Principles
  • Evaluation Concepts
  • Avoiding Errors

Lecture 2: Various Models

  • Model Guidelines
  • A Budget Model
  • A Project Evaluation Model
  • Financial Statement Modeling

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  • Course ID:
  • Source:
  • Language:
  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
    2 hours
  • CEUs:
  • PDHs:
  • Accrediting Agencies:
    New Jersey
    New York