Chem-E-Car Competition® Information for Judges | AIChE

Chem-E-Car Competition® Information for Judges


Limited time summer sale: 20% off select eLearning courses. Use Promo Code SUMMERSALE.

The Safety Training Course & Quiz below was coordinated by AIChE Membership Staff and the AIChE Chem-E-Car Competition® Committee. This course will outline the safety rules of the competition and will prepare judges to properly run the Onsite Safety Inspection at the competition.

  • Rules and regulations for safety conditions for the event
  • Pressure and chemical hazard calculations and regulations for the cars
  • The parameters that the students need to be in compliance with for the performance run

All Safety Judges participating in an AIChE Chem-E-Car Competition® at one of our Student Regional Competitions or at the Annual Student Conference.

Course Outline

  • Introduction
  • Background
  • Design & Review Process
  • Onsite Review
  • Identifying Hazards
  • Interacting with students
  • Disqualification
  • Quiz

Find answers to questions about registration and refunds, tuition and fees, travel and lodging (for location-based courses), how eLearning courses work, how credits work, and more. 

Go to FAQs Page

  • Course ID:
  • Source:
  • Language:
  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
    1 hour
  • CEUs:
  • PDHs:
  • Accrediting Agencies: