Why should you be an anti-racist? | AIChE

Why should you be an anti-racist?


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Sale ends March 15th.

Learn how to address racism and bias in academia and other life situations.

Recent events in the news have many of us growing increasingly more concerned with how to mitigate bias and develop a growth mindset for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Simply claiming you’re anti-racist isn’t enough. You’ve got to be non-racist. There’s a difference. And you’ll learn what it is here.

This course offers a specific, deep dive into anti-racism as a concept. You'll explore the terms anti-racist, non-racist and intersectionality as they relate to academic and workplace contexts in STEM and engineering. You’ll focus on how to address problems, such as racism and bias, and consider the importance of intersectional thinking. By the end of this course, you’ll understand how to help students and staff mitigate bias in academia and other life situations. Plus, you’ll have the information and tools to address racism in light of recent events and support the development of a growth mindset for equity, diversity and inclusion

  • Describe racism in the context of recent events and their impact on the cultural divide in America.
  • Define the term anti-racist and describe how it differs from non-racist.
  • Explain intersectionality and its importance.
  • Examine meaningful actions and next steps that contribute to improving equity, diversity and inclusion.
  • Undergraduate and graduate STEM and engineering students
  • Engineering professors and lab assistants
  • Engineering deans and administrative staff in academia and industry

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  • Duration:
    15 minutes
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