SAChE® - Chemical Process Safety in the Chemical Process Industries | AIChE

SAChE® - Chemical Process Safety in the Chemical Process Industries


Limited time summer sale: 20% off select eLearning courses. Use Promo Code SUMMERSALE.

Get a solid introduction to the application of chemical process safety technology in an actual chemical facility. The video series is divided in roughly 30 minute segments. Topics include:

  • Concept of corporate safety programs
  • Laboratory safety inspections of personal protective equipment
  • Process area safety features and procedures
  • DIERS methods for characterizing runaway reactions
  • Equipment and methods to characterize flammable dusts and vapors
  • Informal and formal safety reviews

Learn more about the SAChE Certificate Program.

Here's a preview of what you'll learn: 

  • Concept of corporate safety programs
  • Laboratory safety inspections of personal protective equipment
  • Process area safety features and procedures
  • DIERS methods for characterizing runaway reactions
  • Equipment and methods to characterize flammable dusts and vapors
  • Informal and formal safety reviews

Who Should Attend: 

The SAChE Certificate Program offers working engineers an easy way to access a selection of knowledge about chemical process safety. Originally developed as a supplement to the undergraduate curriculum, these courses serve as an excellent introduction or refresher in chemical process safety for working professionals. 

Unit One

Lecture One: Introduction to Safety

Lecture Two: Introduction to Corporate Safety

Lecture Three: Laboratory Safety and Inspections

Lecture Four: Personal Protective Equipment

Unit Two

Lecture One: Process Area Safety Features

Lecture Two: Process Area Safety Procedures

Lecture Three: Process Area Inspections

Unit Three

Lecture One: DIERS and Vent Sizing Package (VSP)

Lecture Two: Dust and Vapor Explosions Apparatus

Unit Four

Lecture One: Informal Safety Rules

Lecture Two: Introduction to Formal Safety Reviews

Lecture Three: Formal Safety Review

Quiz: 45 Questions

This course is approved by the following authorities:

Find answers to questions about registration and refunds, tuition and fees, travel and lodging (for location-based courses), how eLearning courses work, how credits work, and more. 

Go to FAQs Page

  • Course ID:
  • Source:
    SAChE – Safety and Chemical Engineering Education
  • Language:
  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
    4 hours
  • CEUs:
  • PDHs:
  • Accrediting Agencies:
    New Jersey
    New York