CHS First Responders Micro Training Learning Plan | AIChE

CHS First Responders Micro Training Learning Plan


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Sale ends March 15th.

Increasing availability and adoption of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) presents new safety challenges for First Responders (FR). The Center for Hydrogen Safety (CHS) in collaboration with AIChE has developed a microtraining learning plan as part of the Hydrogen Safety for First Responders training.  This 4-part multimedia course aims to better inform incident responders and support the safe handling and use of hydrogen in a variety of fuel cell applications.

The completion of this learning plan qualifies for a certificate with 1.5 Professional Development Hour credit.

Courses in this learning plan: 

ELA261: Introduction to Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles For Incident Response This course is a pre-requisite

ELA262: Fire Response & Extrication of a Hydrogen  Fuel Cell Vehicle 

ELA263: Transport of Hydrogen Fuel

ELA264: Hydrogen Fueling Station Incident Response

About this Training

Why this training might be useful to you?  

This microtraining offers a learning opportunity to better equip FR with technical knowledge and aid in their preparedness for mitigating potential risk associated with hydrogen, FCEVs, and fueling stations.

What is covered in this microtraining?

The 4-part training will cover four key safety topics: (1) FCEV introduction, (2) FCEV fire response & extrication, (3) hydrogen transport, and (4) hydrogen fueling station incident response. 

What format are the courses delivered in?    

This learning plan is delivered as 4 microlearning video courses, with each video in the course lasting less than 20 minutes.  This bit-sized learning approach allows for learners to fit each individual course into their busy schedules at the point of need. The video format also features First Responders acting out the steps during an example incident as well as comprehension checks and quizzes.

Can the courses be taken in any order?  

In order to receive the certificate of completion and related PDH, ELA261 Introduction to Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles must be completed first.  The rest of the courses in this learning plan may be taken in any order after ELA261.

Does the learner have to complete all the courses in one session?

No, the courses do not all have to be completed in a single session. The learner can save their progress and come back to complete the remaining courses in the series as their schedule allows. The PDHs will not be granted until all 4 courses in the learning plan are completed.     

Who is the target audience?

 First responders and anyone who is interested in learning more about FCEV and hydrogen safety. This course may also be beneficial for secondary responders and anyone else having an interest in this topic. 

Is prior knowledge about hydrogen a prerequisite for the training? 

No prior knowledge is required. The videos are intended to effectively communicate technical concepts to a broad community with varying levels of prior technical knowledge.


The microtraining learning plan offers a learning opportunity to better equip FRs with technical knowledge and aid in their preparedeness for mitigating potential risk associated with hydrogen, FCEVs, and fueling stations.

Fire Responders and law enforcement.

  • ELA261: Introduction to Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles for Incident Response
  • ELA262: Fire Response & Extrication of a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle 
  • ELA263: Transport of Hydrogen Fuel
  • ELA264: Hydrogen Fueling Station Incident Response

Find answers to questions about registration and refunds, tuition and fees, travel and lodging (for location-based courses), how eLearning courses work, how credits work, and more. 

Go to FAQs Page

  • Course ID:
  • Source:
    CHS - Center for Hydrogen Safety
  • Language:
  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
    1.5 hours
  • CEUs:
  • PDHs:
  • Accrediting Agencies: