Chemical Engineering Essentials from Academic Authors - Session Seven - Thermodynamics: Basics and Modeling | AIChE

Chemical Engineering Essentials from Academic Authors - Session Seven - Thermodynamics: Basics and Modeling

Thermodynamics is fundamental to engineering descriptions of natural phenomena and designs for chemical technology. Starting from primitives and only two Laws, rigorous thermodynamic derivations lead to basic quantities, driving forces and limits, and relationships among variables that characterize the states and tendencies for change of chemical systems. Process and product property modeling builds on this thermodynamic structure, providing routes to values for the many quantities of interest, especially in systems of multiple phases and reactions. Strategic application of properties and models can then guide decisions about energy and material feasibility, make estimates of economics, and determine sizes, condition, and configurations of process equipment.

This webinar shows the development of thermodynamics and illustrates applications to modeling. Principal quantities and relations are reviewed, along with suggestions for their reliable utilization. The objective is to help participants more firmly grasp the elements of the subject, and to better structure their property and process design and optimization efforts.

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