Conceptualization of Solids Processing Flow Sheets | AIChE

Conceptualization of Solids Processing Flow Sheets

Struggling with the process of constructing a solids processing-intensive flow sheet? Take this webinar.

In 60 minutes, look at how each step in the construction of a flow sheet is made more difficult by the interplay between the various process unit operations and product requirements. Explore techniques and philosophies for designing or altering a particle-based flow sheet in light of key process and product requirements such as yield, process operability, and long-term cost of ownership. Through sample flow sheets, this webinar demonstrates what type of questions you’ll want to address, how process choices (and uncertainty) affect flow sheet options and development, how process operability is impacted by design decisions, and how process operability and final product quality suffer by the improper selection and operation of equipment.

Take a look at your agenda:

  • A comprehensive approach to flow sheet design
  • The impact of selecting the wrong equipment
  • Know what types of questions to address in a flow sheet
  • How process choices affect a flow sheet and your operation

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    1 hour
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