Cyber Threats in the Chemical Processing Industry | AIChE
Sponsor: Rockwell Automation | This webinar is sponsored by Rockwell Automation and reflects their views, opinions, and insights. Attendance is free.

Cyber Threats in the Chemical Processing Industry

The dangers that cyber threats pose to intellectual property, productivity and the environment are well known, but less discussed are the safety implications of these threats. A cyber-attack on your industrial control system can damage physical assets, alter recipes, injure workers or cause severe environmental damage.

This webinar will provide practical insights and timely intelligence to share how improving cyber security in your chemical processing plant can help provide better and more valuable business outcomes.  

Attendees will hear about real life cyber security incidents and the steps organizations took to improve the situation.  Join speaker James Findlay to gain a better understanding of:

  • How to protect critical infrastructure
  • The approach needed to improve cyber resilience
  • How to ensure an effective incident response plan
  • How defense mechanisms should be allocated to technology, processes and staff



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    1 hour
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