Exploring Space and Investing in the Future: Perceptions and Experiences of a NASA Astronaut | AIChE

Exploring Space and Investing in the Future: Perceptions and Experiences of a NASA Astronaut

The US space program began with dreams of reaching the Moon in the 1960’s. We succeeded and the effort transformed the American cultural and technological landscape. Without Apollo, there might not have been the computer or satellites supporting communications, navigation, weather forecasting, and remote sensing - or the thousands of new businesses which were generated. That early success was followed by our first Space Station, Skylab, then the Space Shuttle, and now the International Space Station. With each step, we also performed groundbreaking scientific and engineering research in the microgravity environment of Low Earth Orbit (LEO). We are now poised for the next steps. Dr. Dunbar will share her thoughts on our past and future in space, share experiences as an astronaut aboard five space shuttle flights - and discuss why she has joined the faculty of the University of Houston to help educate the next generation of engineers.

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  • Source:
    STS - South Texas Section
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  • Duration:
    1.25 hours
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