Incident Reporting and Investigation | AIChE
Sponsor: Gateway Consulting Group, Inc. | This webinar is sponsored by Gateway Consulting Group, Inc. and reflects their views, opinions, and insights. Attendance is free.

Incident Reporting and Investigation

The thorough investigation, analysis and follow-up of incidents—including near misses—is one of the most effective ways to improve safety and reliability of process facilities. Yet, many struggle with the collection and management of data related to injuries, fires, regulatory/citation issues, illegal acts, environmental issues, and other incidents. This webinar explores the best practices for managing an incident reporting and investigation process.

In this 60-minute Gateway Consulting sponsored webinar, you will learn how an electronic document management platform can be used to automate an Incident Reporting and Investigation procedure and identify and eliminate the wasted effort and bottlenecks in your current process.


  • Introduction to Lifecycle-based business processes
  • A Critical Look at Incident Investigation and Reporting
  • Demonstration of an Automated Incident Investigation Solution

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    1 hour
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