Material Compatibility Considerations for Hydrogen | AIChE

Material Compatibility Considerations for Hydrogen

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As you design or evaluate systems operating in hydrogen environments, could there be important issues you’re not considering? Issues that could potentially result in inappropriate material selections—and unforeseen incidents? Join us on March 30th to find out.

In one hour, you’ll learn how to identify material compatibility issues that are often associated with hydrogen exposure and how to reduce the chance of incidents caused by improper selection. With a focus on metallics and polymers, this webinar will investigate the interactions with hydrogen that lead to degradation of material properties. You’ll hear examples from the real world of service failures and gain lessons learned you can apply in your own work. From hydrogen embrittlement of metals to hydrogen safety, this webinar will bring you up to date on current research and where it’s headed, test methodologies and their results, and more. In addition, a Q & A will tackle questions you may have as an operator, engineer, code official, regulator, stakeholder or designer of hydrogen systems.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Select materials when designing or evaluating hydrogen systems
  • Understand the importance of material selection in the design of hydrogen systems
  • Identify which materials are impacted by hydrogen
  • Apply lessons learned from real-world examples of material compatibility issues

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  • Source:
    CHS - Center for Hydrogen Safety
  • Language:
  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
    1.5 hours
  • PDHs: