NASEM Chemical Engineering in the 21st Century Study: Give your input! | AIChE

NASEM Chemical Engineering in the 21st Century Study: Give your input!

What will chemical engineers be working on over the next 30 years?  How will chemical engineers be working differently?  What sorts of skills will the chemical engineers of tomorrow need to learn and develop?

The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) is looking for your input on those questions and more as they conduct a study that will “outline an ambitious vision for chemical engineering research, innovation, and education that will guide the profession for the next 30 years.”

The AIChE’s Virtual Local Section is hosting this meeting so that rank-and-file AIChE members have an opportunity to provide input to NASEM’s study.  Our chemical engineering community can provide valuable insights into how we see our jobs changing in focus, content, and execution.  Our thoughts on how chemical engineers can respond to societal and industry trends are exactly what NASEM is seeking.

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  • Source:
    VLS - Virtual Local Section
  • Language:
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  • Duration:
    1.05 hours
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