Optimize your Continuous Process Campaign | AIChE

Optimize your Continuous Process Campaign

Did you know there are simple tools that can significantly improve your process campaign strategy? Or reduce turnaround costs?

Many chemical product families are made in continuous process equipment operated in campaign mode. This webinar will give you the know-how and resources to optimize the order and duration of each product's campaign, constrained by available tankage.  We’ll also discuss how to evaluate and size additional tankage that can increase the campaign cycle time along with helpful calculation tools.   

You Will Learn:

  • How production rate, sales rate, and tankage are interrelated
  • How campaign strategy can affect annual turnaround costs
  • How to set up and solve the governing equations for your multi-product campaign process, demonstrated step by step with practical examples
  • How to set minimum inventory levels, also known as safety stock

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    1 hour
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