Recognizing the Power of Untapped Potential | AIChE

Recognizing the Power of Untapped Potential

The technical workforce is changing faster than ever before, and organizations (industry, government and academia) have to be prepared to adapt. Without engaging all capable technical talent, there simply won’t be enough candidates for the positions in these emerging technologies. Employers need to understand how to meet their hiring demands by tapping into non-traditional sources of talent. By understanding the statistics and demographics of the engineering labor force as well as the methods to build inclusive environments, companies and institutions can win the war on talent.

This 60-minute webinar will provide industry and government data on the current engineering and technical workforce. It will also include insight from both candidates, employees and hiring managers on the current state of work and the pressing need to find diverse top talent. Lastly, the program will cover what universities, STEM professional societies and non-traditional training programs are doing to contribute to the labor force of the future.

You Will Learn:

  • How to understand the current demographics within the engineering ecosystem and how that impacts the ability to attract, hire and retain diverse engineers.
  • To effectively evaluate the current state of D&I within your organization and how that compares with others in their industry.
  • How to utilize collected D&I organizational goals for areas of improvement and how to best propose solutions to leadership that have a positive and long lasting change.
  • How to prioritize D&I improvement goals to achieve maximum benefit in optimal time frames.
  • To plan, implement and document D&I improvement using tools designed to increase organizations’ ability to attract, hire and retain diverse engineering talent.

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    1 hour
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