Right-Sizing Lab Fixed Bed Reactors for Gas-Solid Systems | AIChE

Right-Sizing Lab Fixed Bed Reactors for Gas-Solid Systems

Developed by the Core R&D Reaction Engineering group of Dow and designed for chemists and engineers who operate or use data from laboratory reactors, this course contains fundamental reaction engineering knowledge essential for generating high quality data from laboratory scale fixed bed reactors. The course content includes general principles and practical tips for designing and operating lab fixed bed reactors for gas-solid reaction systems.

At the end of this course, chemists and engineers will have a better understanding of the critical factors affecting the performance of gas-solid fixed bed reactors and the appropriate means for addressing those factors to maximize the probability of generating quality data. In addition, this course will introduce a publicly available tool for estimating gradients in heterogeneous catalyst particles and for sizing laboratory fixed bed reactors. This tool is the product of a collaboration between Dow and Purdue University.

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    1 hour
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